Friday, July 4, 2008

The Man Cold

I'm wondering if this is a worldwide occurance, or just something we have here in Australia.

My DH at the moment has a "man cold". Now, for those of you who have never heard of this particular ailment a "man cold" is quite similar to the common cold, only much much worse. When a man gets a cold it's always far worse than anything a woman has ever experienced, women have no idea about the extent of misery that men feel when they have a "man cold".

They don't just get a runny nose, they have the worst sinus infection EVER. They don't get a mere cough, like we women, they nearly die with all the hacking, snuffling, gasping and wheezing. You just ask them. They are dying. And this extreme disease completely incapacitates them. They are unable to raise their head from the bed, lounge, sofa to sip their tea. They don't however seem to lose the ability to operate the remote!

Men know that a woman never gets a cold as bad as this, because women continue to wash, clean, work, cook, so it stands to reason that they couldn't POSSIBLY be as sick!

Ok, I will cut the him some slack. He does seem to have a nasty cold, but it has made me wonder if anyone else has experienced the dreaded man cold? :)

9 valued opinions!:

Katie said...

It isn't just colds Sharon, it is every ailment every man has ever had! It is amazing that they always get so much sicker and are so much more helpless. One of the many mysteries of life. I keep a sense of humor about men by remembering that it isn't their fault that that one leg fell off that chromosome when they were born. I suspect the ability to not always be "dying" every time they get sick is one of the many things that come in the chromosome leg that they are missing!

My ADHD Me said...

Too Funny!! I think it's a worldwide epidemic! I just wish I had thought to blog about it first. hahaha

HisPrincess said...

He really isn't that bad, but I couldn't resist the temptation to poke fun at him. You have to make your own fun!

Anonymous said...

Thats why men don't give birth. Because if they did they would only have one.
Arghh you gotta love them.

Kelly said...

Love love love the post!! I think the Man Cold has got to be much worse than any ailment including childbirth that a woman has. hahahaha! Great post.

HisPrincess said...

The crisis is over and he is off happily playing golf today! In the rain! Yay!

agrantham81 said...

Glad your DH is feeling better. Ad you aren't alone. We all (Dh, Me and both kids under 4) had the same cold last week. I too had morning sickness and early pregnancy need to sleep a lot. My cold was still less impacting on the housework than his. LOL. Although he was never sick enough to not go to work. But when you get to sit on your but for 8-12 hours then go to a hotel for 7-14 hours and do the same sit on your butt on the way home for 8-12 hours I can see why you wouldn't be calling in sick. Staying at home with me must be far more stressful, LOL.

HisPrincess said...

I have to admit that I too prefer to be at work than at home when I have the flu. Nice comfy chair, warm office, hot cuppas....even when I take a sick day and stay at home I feel obligated to do housework.

Leah Adams said...

Sister, it is a universal ailment seemingly linked to the Y chromosome!! It is, however, just part of what makes them men and so we have to love them in spite of it!! I just always pray for my husband to stay well!!!
