Tuesday, July 15, 2008

When does sadness become depression?

I'm still worried about Steph.

Ok, I will always worry about her, that's my job, but this morning she has given me cause for more worry than usual.

She has never been the most resilient person, and has in the past had teachers and myself worried about her low self esteem. When she was in year 6 and 7 she suffered a bout of depression which with the help of a loving school, church, and home environment we were able to overcome.

As most of you know she broke up with her boyfriend of 12 months about a month ago. She seemed to handle that pretty well but now I'm not so sure. This morning she told me that she feels like she wants to cry almost every day. She said she isn't sure why, she doesn't think it's Corey, she just feels alone. Breaking up with Corey didn't just mean she lost a boyfriend and friend but a whole group of friends. She became a part of his friendship circle and she loved it. Now she feels she can't associate with that group and it has left her feeling lost.

Steph hates being alone. She says whenever she is alone she just thinks about how she is useless and that she will never amount to anything. Corey was wonderful for her self esteem and I think she is really struggling to find herself without him.

How do you teach a person to value themselves? How do you encourage them to learn to enjoy their own company?

At what point does being sad and lonely become depression, and how, as a mother, can I stop that from happening again?

She isn't sad all the time. Until this morning I had no idea that she was sad at all. She still does the things that she enjoys doing like singing, playing the guitar and artwork. She still engages in converstation with us and with her friends. She isn't withdrawn like she was last time, quite the opposite, she wants to be out socialising all the time.

The thing that really bothers me is that she doesn't have the Lord. She won't come to church and I really don't know what's in her heart with regard to her faith. And I'm afraid to ask.

Lord, please be with Stephanie in this time of sadness. Help her realise what a wonderful and beautiful person she is, and help her find some direction in her life. She is feeling lost and alone at the moment Lord, please help her through this time.

8 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

No words of wisdom ~ just know I'm praying that God will work out every detail...

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie. I have to learn to trust in that.

Kelly said...

Sharon - I am so sorry to hear this. I know you must be so worried.

I am a big fan of counseling. Do you have Christian counselors out there? In the past when I have had times I struggled, counseling always helped. You have someone to talk to, who is a professional and can guide you the correct direction. And just because they are Christian doesn't mean they shove Jesus down your throat. It just means they pray for you, and have a Christian perspective.

Why won't she go to church? A strong youth group could help too. Good luck and God bless.

Leah Adams said...


Talk to her about her faith. What does she trust in? Does she believe in prayer and does she pray? Ask her if she understands that there is someone out there that is bigger and stronger and wiser than any of us? Please talk to her about it. It doesn't have to be a pushy conversation with churchy type words, but she needs to know that you care about her thoughts about God.


My ADHD Me said...

It is SO hard to be a teenager. Not a kid. Not an adult. And when you are a teen in love it consumes all of you. I wish I had some wonderful advise but I don't. I'm even having similar issues with my 17 yr old son re: church & God. JM is very smart and seeks explanations & proof. He has a hard time understanding faith when things don't make sense.
I'll be praying for you.

agrantham81 said...


As an outsider it is really ahrd to work out if someone has depression. Its something they need to work out. When I first admitted to anyone I had PND (after 6 months of not admitting it, even to myself) everyone said 'are you sure?' On the outside I was doing everything I was meant to. On the inside I was rotton. I would suggest a counsellor, be it a christian counsellor or a school counsellor. Try and get it on her terms though. I was sent to the counsellor in about yr 8. She took me out of the only class I enjoyed at the time and wouldn't let me go back until I talked to her. I saw her 4 times for an hour each. I think I said 3 sentances. The fourth time I didn't speak at all. Each time she pulled me out of my favorite class. (Stupid woman, ARGH!)

I broke up with my boyfriend of about 18 months just before the end of yr 12. I was 17. I was mortified. The last person I wanted to talk to was my mother. If the right counsellor had reached out to me then, or someone with faith in the lord, I probably would have responded well.

Let her know you are there. But dont push the issue. Let her know her other options. If you managed to get her through the episode in yr 8 you are on a good start, and hopefully she will realise she needs to accept help.

Try and get her to acknowledge with someone (doesn't really matter who) what her insides are like. Cause the outside has a habit of being deceptive.

Good Luck and more HUGS

My ADHD Me said...

To make you smile---No, I didn't know chickens could run around without their heads, but now that I think about it....the quote "Running around like a chicken with his head chopped off" had to come from somewhere.

I'm praying for your daughter and my son to see the light.

One of my favorite quotes about faith is from the movie Miracle On 34th Street. (A Christmas movie about whether or not this man really IS Santa Claus). the little girl says..."Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to".

Take Care

Kelly said...

Thinking of you Sharon. Hope everything is okay. Missing your blog.