Friday, July 25, 2008

Looking Up

So much can change in a few short hours.

Things are indeed looking up, which is probably a direct result of me looking up.

I wasn't very eloquent in my prayers today, I basically just said "HELP!". This morning after posting I was in tears so I went and locked myself in the toilet and just said "Help". I didn't know what else to say, what to ask for specifically, I just wanted help.

And the day got worse before it got better. Steph made it to lunch time before she couldn't cope anymore and I had to go pick her up from school. She said she had stomach pain, ever since she was a little girl anxiety and stress have come out as a sore tummy. I picked her up and brought her back to work with me as I didn't have time to run her home. She was fine once we got away from school and happily spent the day drawing and surfing the net on my bosses computer (he was away today obviously!).

After a while she came and sat with me in my office. I told her that I had contacted a counselor for her to speak to, and she was ok with that. I think it actually lifted her mood, the idea that I was taking her seriously and was prepared to do something about it. So, while she was open to ideas I asked her if she wanted to go to bible study tonight (the youth in our church have a youth bible study once per fortnight), and she said "I was going to wash my hair, but I guess I could squeeze that into my busy social calendar". Well, knock me over with a feather! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

I half expected her to back out before we got there, but she is at bible study now. Don't get me wrong, while this is a positive step I'm well aware that it is only the first, and it's quite small. So I plan to spend the next couple of hours in prayer. Praying that she hears the word of the Lord tonight. Praying that the Lord will speak to her heart and help heal it. Praying that she will feel the Lord's love raining down on her.

Lord, thankyou that you were able to open Stephanie's mind to the idea of going to bible study. I pray that she will feel your love tonight, and she will learn from your word and understand how precious she is, that she is a child of Yours and that she is so cherished.

6 valued opinions!:

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Hang in there! God will not leave you there, in that place of despair forever. No, He'll rescue you at exactly the right time.

So hang in there and keep pressing into Him, just as you are doing.

I'm praying for you and your daughter today.

Leah Adams said...

Isn't God awesome!! I am so thankful that Steph agreed to go to Bible study. I bet the Lord will meet her there. Please let us know what she said. Thanks for checking on me!!


Kelly said...

Hooray! What a great turn around. Yes, there will be more ups & downs. But between counseling and putting her eyes on God, there will be more ups than downs.

I am very excited that you are seeing God work!

My ADHD Me said...

Yea! That was a huge first step. She may come home feeling great about it OR she may come home and say something negative, but she is taking the steps in the right direction and with you there to guide her, the odds are looking great!!

Joanie said...

Thank you Lord...
All you ask is that we take one step toward you. I pray that you spoke to Stephanie's heart and that you continue to draw her closer to you. I pray she will desire to return to youth Bible study again and again. And, please give Sharon peace knowing that you are in control of all things and will guide and direct their paths. I pray that you will touch each one in her family ~ blessing them with your peace, love and grace.

Once again, you are able!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks so much everyone for your encouragement and prayer.