Friday, July 11, 2008

Blah day

Not sure what is going to erupt from my fingers as I type today. Feeling a bit "blah" so I apologise in advance for what is sure to be inane drivel.

It's that time of month for me. That is bad news for everyone in my immediate vicinity. I cry. I throw tantrums. I sulk. Well, even more than usual. Even Boris annoys me.

The alarm went off this morning. That annoyed me.

I ran out of ironed work shirts. That annoyed me.

It was cold. That annoyed me too.

Everyone except me got to stay in their nice warm beds and sleep in. Not happy.

The passenger side door handle of the car got stuck and wouldn't open. Annoyed.

My boss came in to work when he's supposed to be on holdiay. Really annoyed.

Stupid heater under my desk was making a funny ticking sound. Even that annoyed me.

Somebody used the last of the milk and DIDN'T REPLACE IT. Now that is a punishable by death offence. EXTREMELY ANNOYED!!!!!

I got home and struggled in the house carrying groceries and Kym smiled at me. How annoying!

Boris sat on my lap and purred. He is SO Annoying!

Then I sat down at the computer and read people's blogs. They didn't annoy me. They blessed me. Every single one.

So thankyou.

You may have saved the life of several members of my family!

7 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a lovely weekend:-)

Kelly said...

haha! You sound like me in that department! I hope you will continue to feel better. I've had the blahs for a couple of days and am trying to shake it off too. Must read more blogs.

But thanks for YOUR help!

lightening said...

Does it annoy you that your post made me laugh? As did your comment about tomorrow on my blog? You're a funny grump - just like me. :)

Hope it all passes soon. I HATE when I have days like that. It annoys me that so many things annoy me.

Glad reading blogs helped. There is plenty of inspiration and encouragement in the blogosphere isn't there? :)

Leah Adams said...

Been there!!! I have so been there. Thank God for hysterectomy and hormone replacement therapy!!


agrantham81 said...

I have those days too. Thought pregnancy would calm them down a bit, apparently not LOL.

Your post really blessed me today. I needed to know that other people have days like that too.

HUGS. Hope it gets better soon.

HisPrincess said...

Thanks everyone. No it doesn't annoy me that you found it funny Lightening. You have to laugh or you would go mad sometimes!

Amy being pregnant never helped me either, just made me grumpier.

Leah, I have often wondered if a hysterectomy would help but my doctor says it's too extreme and I don't cope with aneasthetics very well (can't spell it either).

My ADHD Me said...

Looks like everyone that commented has had those days. I know I have too. Blogging and reading blogs does help me also....until I realize I've spent way too long here and have neglected something else.
Hope you are feeling better.