Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Enough

I am not a good person. This bothers me. I want to be good. I try to be good. I find it really hard to keep failing. It's hard to pick yourself up, ask for forgiveness and keep trying. There is always this voice inside my head (well, there are many, but one in particular!) that asks me why I even bother trying. I will never be good enough.

But that's the point isn't it. None of us are ever going to be good enough. And yet the Lord still calls us His Sons and Daughters, still cares about every aspect of our lives, every time we stray he wants us back.

I think this notion of unconditional love is the thing I struggle with the most. I read about it. I hear about it. I know it in my head. But at times I have trouble really believing it. I long for that deep certainty, that unwavering and radical faith that I hear others speak about. It's a bit like when you can't remember a song lyric or person's name. It's right there, but the harder you try to grasp it, the further it slips away.

I want to live in the word, I want to believe with absolute certainty that my Lord and Saviour is there for me. Am I complicating things by thinking about it too much? Am I making it harder than it needs to be?

6 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

I with you! At heart I know I have big issues, but you know what I am better than I use to be. Which I think is the point, growing in Christ, thankfully is a process.
If it was a test, I would fail, I process takes time.
Have a great day!


HisPrincess said...

Thanks for that perspective Jenny. Yes, now that I think about it, I too am improving! Gotta keep growing!

Katie said...

Sharon: You are not alone. Nothing good comes from beating yourself up. I read your words and my first thought is you and your kids. Stop and think of how you feel about Pink and Robbie and what that looks like and feels like. I would bet it is totally unconditional in the long run. Sure they do stuff to frustrate you, but your heart still melts for them and their choices and you don't reject them completely or abandon them. You are there and continue to love them and attempt to guide them. Imagine that same scenario with you and God. His heart melts when you stumble but it doesn't change the way He feels about you in any way. He just keeps loving you. I also agree with Jenny. Thankfully it is just a process. God knows we are going to slip.... Two steps forward and one back sometimes, but He just hangs in there with us and continues to love us. I bet you have pretty unconditional love for Fisherman too!

HisPrincess said...

thanks Katie. I hadn't realy thought about it like that before. Just imagine how frustrating it must be to parent us lot!

Leah Adams said...


I think that once we truly realize that nothing we can do or be will ever earn us a spot in Christ's kingdom we experience true freedom. We can simply rest in the gift of our acceptance based on the blood of Jesus. What an amazing gift that is!!


Kelly said...

At the She Speaks conference, we were asked to write on a piece of paper our pain and drop it at the cross. At my table 3 people wrote "not good enough."

I think we all struggle with this. We WANT to be good enough. But we will never be. And as you said the glory is - God loves us anyway! Amen!