Saturday, July 26, 2008

A day at home

Well, it hasn't been a complete day at home, I did go in to work this morning for a couple of hours, so it's really an afternoon at home. It's still nice to not have to be anywhere at a certain time. A rare thing for our family on a Saturday.

Scott and I started the afternoon off with his favourite activity. Baking chocolate chip cookies. Only today we tried it with M and M's. Not quite as good as the one's you get at Subway, but still...very nice.

Then Scott spent some time playing on the playstation (actually I think he is still spending time there! Just so you know, I did not choose the colour of the wall beside him! The playroom at our house is really the end of the enclosed verandah that Kym has closed off and lined. The green wall has been there ever since we got married and I hate painting (and cleaning junk filled verandah's) so it's remained. I'm not sure why I felt the need to point that out. You guys probably didn't even notice! But it wasn't me! It was my mother in law!

Having a Saturday afternoon at home is such a bonus for a full time working mum. It means that Sunday afternoon can be spent relaxing because the washing and house work is done! Today is one of those lovely sunny winter days that we get sometimes, so the washing is even getting some sunshine.

And Saturday afternoon is pretty much the same as any other afternoon for Boris.... I want to be a cat. Not just any cat, but one of my cats. He looks as though life is really stressing him out doesn't he? His look is saying "why did you wake me up...did you bring food?"
After the week we have had today is just what I need. No timetable, just pottering around the house getting this and that done. Or not. Doesn't matter and that's the beauty of it.

I might go put a casserole in the slow cooker now so tea will just happen tonight. I have some of those par baked bread rolls in the freezer. Beef casserole with lots of gravy, mashed potato and warm rolls......mmmmmm........perfect winter food.

Lord, thank you so much for this time of refreshment. Thank you for all the blessings that you have showered upon me this week, I felt your presence closely and I thank you for that. Thank you that Stephanie may have opened her heart to you, just a tiny bit. I pray that she can open up and let you in fully, so that she will know true peace.

5 valued opinions!:

Kelly said...

May I come for dinner? Although I think I could be long does it take to get there from the U.S.?

It was also interesting to me to read "winter" as it is summer here, in the 90's. I hadn't thought of that.

Glad you are getting some R&R.

Joanie said...

Thank you for sharing a peek into your daily life, once again. It's pure delight to my heart ~ as always.

Goodness, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to paint. Too bad I don't live closer. I'd have that wall repainted in an afternoon! :)

Thank you Lord for a quiet day for Sharon. I pray that Sunday is a day of rest and refreshment for the whole family.

My ADHD Me said...

Funny how Chatty Kelly and I think alike. I completely forgot that it would be winter there, as she said, it is in the 90's here and have had some 100+ days. Also, in Virginia (our state) the humidity is usually pretty bad.
Another big co-incidence. I baked Choc Chip cookies today too! Everyone that knows me, knows that I REALLY REALLY don't like to bake. I would rather do almost anything else. But when the family asked for choc chip cookies today, I bit the bullet and did it.
Hope you are still enjoying your day!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks guys!

Dinner was lovely, sorry you couldn't make it Kelly!

Joanie, you are welcome to come paint anything you like anytime!

How did the cookies turn out? Ours have been devoured already.

Bonita said...

I love your clothesline! Something about clothes drying in the wind and sunshine is so comfy feeling.

Your cat sounds a lot like mine. Pretty much just lays around all the time and only gets up for food.