Tuesday, July 29, 2008

But I don't want to diet!!!

I have to go on a diet.

I'm really not very good at dieting. Actually, I'm pretty bad, which is why I have now reached the stage where I really need to!

My clothes are in extreme danger of making me look like a big fat sausage that is bursting from it's skin. Even my "fat clothes" which I wear at that time of month are feeling snug.

It's just not good enough.

Yesterday I promised myself I would be good. And during the day I was. I didn't even have a chocolate at 3pm. Then I got home, put dinner on, and considered going for a walk. I should have went for that walk. Because instead I ended up having a piece of cake and a snack size packet of chips. After dinner I thought I might make myself a hot chocolate. It was lovely, and I made it on low fat milk, so not too bad. Then I toasted a fruit muffin because I told myself that it's kinda healthy and I felt like something sweet after dinner. Then I had an orange, which really doesn't count, because that's health food. And another hot chocolate, still with low fat milk, so really, it's a health food, I'm sure I need the calcium. Just one more piece of cake.....

By the time I went to bed I was feeling fat, bloated, and more than a little disappointed in myself. Why do I sabotage myself like this? I wasn't. even. hungry.

So....today I guess I have to try again. Because that's all I can do. But it still sucks.

Dear Lord, help me to look after the body that you gave me. Help me to choose healthy choices and exercise regularly.

11 valued opinions!:

Kelly said...

You know its a bad day when you use the word "sucks" in your Christian blog. I'm saying that with a smile, not rebuke. I've had those days.

Guess what? Tomorrow starts fresh and new. Try again! I lost 10 lbs. in Feb by just walking and portion control. I used the Leslie Sansone walking DVD and did in-door walking, so you can do it in the winter. Check it out. (google it).

I was my heaviest weight ever then(except pregnancy), and now I am feeling better. I hate exercise! But it is a necessary evil.

Hoping tomorrow is better. Diet is a dirty word. Worse than "sucks." Just walk & portion control. You can do it!

By the way, I look forward to hear if you did check up on my bible facts and how I did.

HisPrincess said...

Yes I checked and you were right! Not that I didn't think you would be....

Diet is indeed a dirty word, a four letter one at that! I am snacking on weight watchers chocolate chip cookies at the moment, do you think I can eat the whole pack because they are weight watchers? ;) They aren't very big!

Anonymous said...

So, you like to shop, hah?!!! Classic. I'm with you on the whole issue of weight loss, I say as I sit here eating M&M's. It is tough, and even though I am conscious like you about what I am eating, sometimes it is almost like you have just gotta! Oh, girl, there's alot to us complex beings isn't there?!?! I just hope and pray that tonight, despite what you eat (!!!), you go to bed without feeling guilty or unhappy with yourself. Blessings, Naomi.

Leah Adams said...


Dieting is sooooo hard. I have found over the years that it is easier to think of it as making small changes. Not big major changes to your diet but small ones that make a big impact.

For example if you like to drink soft drinks and don't like the diet ones, then substitute at least one of the drinks during the day with a big glass of water. Or perhaps, if you need a taste of something sweet, have 5 bites rather than the whole piece. Or substitute a few pretzels for chips. Those low fat treats still have lots of calories!!

Make one small change this week, another next week and so on and before long you will begin to see a difference. This way it isn't such a shock to your system.

Hang in there. Today is a new day!!


Joanie said...

Well, well, well... We're both in the same place again!

I, too, am struggling with weight and food issues. I am keeping a food diary each day. Then, I can look at what I'm eating and am being more honest with myself (and the snacking habit I've established ~ far too well, I might add.) I also keep track of how many glasses of water, tea, etc I'm drinking each day. I am eating a bit less and have cut back on the sweets.

I'm trying to remind myself that my body is God's temple for His Holy Spirit and this temple is sadly in need of great repair...

Diet is not a good word or mindset to live with. Diet = denial = failure. Instead, you want to renew your eating habits. Choose to eat healthier, savor the food you're eating, notice the texture, shape and smell of food you eat. Journal about why you're eating certain kinds of foods. Sometimes, it's just a bad habit ~ though it could be a way of not dealing with something in your life or making you feel better during stressful times.

And, never drink low-fat milk! Not only is it nutritionally bad for your body, it only makes you want more. God created WHOLE MILK and if you're going to drink milk ~ it's the best way to go. Instead of 2 hot chocolates, you'll only drink one as the whole milk will make you feel "full" and your body can digest all the nutrients (they are good for your body). People have this really mixed up concept about foods today ~ 'diet' foods often cause us to eat more! Eat good healthy foods: allow yourself to eat (graze) as many fruits and vegetables as you want. Use whole milk in your coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Allow yourself one 'treat' per day. (I'm finding that I just have to keep sweets out of the house or I tend to snack on them too much. When it's not an option, I choose better foods.)

And, definitely ~ add some exercise! If you had a Wii game system, you'd get LOTS of exercise (even when inside for the winter).

At the end of the day ~ know you're not alone...

My ADHD Me said...

This is the second blog I've read today about dieting and or weight loss.
I just made a very lengthy comment on the other one and now I'm reading yours and could say the same thing. So, go on over to pinkshoelady to read my comment. If you want to,go to my blog, look in my comments and you can click on her name there.
P.S. I agree 100% that dieting sucks.
P.S.S. Even when Chatty Kelly said she was at her "heaviest", I assure you she has NEVER had an ounce of fat on her---very annoying!

My ADHD Me said...

By the way, I read your 6 random things at Chatty Kelly's blog. We seem to have alot in common---except I've never hung clothes on the clothesline. I am the labeling and boxing queen, love to read, blogging, and journaling. AND I am also struggleing with physical problems (my back) interfering with something I LOVE to do more than anything (firefighting).

I feel like I know you!

HisPrincess said...

Naomi, yes I do like to shop! I especially love to buy for Steph because she is slim and gorgeous and everything looks great on her, so I live through her a bit in that regard!

Leah, thanks so much for your tips and encouragement. If only I could stop at 5 bites!

Joanie, interesting what you say about low fat milk. I'd never really thought about it. I've had low fat milk for so long now that I don't actually like the taste of full fat. But I'm willing to give it a go!

Mary, yes I thought we had a lot in common when I was reading Kelly's comments on your labelling! I hope your back improves, your back is so important, so make sure you don't do a "sharon" and push too hard. But I know too well the frustration of your body not co-operating with your head!

Joanie said...

When learning to "like" a new/old food... Start by mixing a 60/40 or 50/50 ratio (greater ratio if you can't handle the taste). Slowly adjust to more of the food/drink that you're trying to switch to and eventually it will be a normal taste for you!

So you can convert back from lowfat milk to whole milk! ;)

Kristen said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog!!
Okay sister, we have the same battle. It seems to me that when I try to eat healthfully, I crave more of the bad stuff! :) Why the heck is that?!
I'll be praying God gives you a strong desire to go for those walks and see food as energy...The Lord knows that's my prayer almost every day!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie, I'll give it a go. Steph would be thrilled if we switched back to full cream milk. She gets so excited about full cream milk, poor deprived child that she is!

Hi Kristen, thanks for you comments and support! Although I'm looking at your photo and I'm sure not seeing someone who needs to lose weight!