Sunday, July 20, 2008

I'm Back

Hi all.

First let me say a heartfelt thank you to all who have sent me lovely posts of encouragement and for praying for us.

We have spent a few days away in the Barossa Valley. A truly beautiful part of our state, especially at this time of year with green rolling hills, running rivers and grape vines freshly pruned. Such a starke contrast to here. Steph loved the huge gum trees and kept wanting to take photo's of them so she could draw them later.

We stayed with some wonderful friends and enjoyed a time of catching up, chatting and relaxing. These are the friends that Steph would board with if she went away to school next year. I had been praying for some direction in that respect and I certainly got it. Darren and Chris have two small children (2 years and 5 months) and they shared with us that they are expecting a surprise 3rd child in January. Which means the youngest two will be 11 months apart. So that's that then. There is no way I would ask her to take on a teenager amoungst all that!

Steph is disappointed. She had begun to get used to the idea of going away, and was looking at it as a way to escape. I pointed out to her that changing schools won't stop the issues she is having, it will just move them. And really, her issues are normal, it's just her way of coping with them that worries me. I have run the gamut of emotions today. I've felt bad for her, sad for her, angry with her and frustrated with her. I think I'm just tired of the pressure, she expects me to make everything better. And that's a pretty big ask.

As for her faith. I am praying. I will continue to pray and also pray to find the right words to talk to her.

Of course we had more drama over the weekend. Her cousin kissed her new boyfriend. Oh joy. It's going to be a fun first week back at school.

This parenting teenagers is fun isn't it?

Lord, please help me to find the right words to speak life and wisdom to Steph. Help her as she struggles through the teenage years and let her know that you are there for her, and you will never let her down. Help me be the best parent I can be to both Steph and Scott.

4 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Rejoicing that the Lord blessed your time away for the past few days and Jodi blessed you at church too!

I'm having my own 'dramas' with my dear daughter, so as I pray for her, I will continue to pray for Stephanie...

Even more, I shall pray for peace, contentment and JOY in the Lord for you, my dear friend!

*And, I still need you to e-mail me your mailing address so I can send a few "GOODIES" your way... ;-)

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie. I will email you right away!

Kelly said...

If you think it would be good for her to go, she could always be a "mother's helper" or babysitter in exchange for her board. Just a thought.

Or you can praise God for answering your prayers if you think it is a strong "no" or closed door.

Either way, God is in control. Now, what was it you told me? Repeat it 5 times!

HisPrincess said...

Thankyou Kelly! Yes I will keep reassuring myself that the Lord is in control.

I really do feel that Chris falling pregnant is a definate answer to prayer. I feel at peace with the decision.

As for Steph being a "mother's helper" that really made me laugh! Steph likes babies when they are about 2 years old, before that she won't even hold them! Not exactly the maternal type!