Monday, August 4, 2008


I had the strangest dream the other night.

I haven't actually told anyone about it, because I'm not sure how to describe it, and I don't know what it means so that holds two big problems for me. Being lost for words, and admitting I don't know something.....unchartered territory!

So, I will try telling you about it in writing, because I seem to better at that than verbalising (although I am still pretty good a verbalising!) But I digress...

My dream started with what appeared to be a game, like a strange reality TV game. The contestants had to find as many souls as they could and deliver them to the host of the game. I'm not sure how these souls were acquired, but I remember something about God having to follow these people around, putting lost souls back to rest and just generally clearing up the mess they made.

Now comes the scary bit. For some reason I was in my daughters spare bed, sleeping away happily, as you do. From underneath me a ....struggling for the right words now..... ghostly, purely evil being wrapped his hands around my head and tried to pull me downwards. They were strong bony hands and they felt like a vice around my head. I remember thinking to myself "this is just a dream, it can't hurt you" for a split second before I tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound. I then had the conscious thought that I needed to wake up and I physically shook myself to do so. It took me a few minutes to compose myself before trying to go back to sleep, to no avail. I finally managed to fall back asleep by praying. I don't know what I prayed, or if it was coherant but I went back to sleep and dreamt of nice fat cows munching happily away in green fields.

It could have just been a dream but it felt so real. And I still remember every detail.

I guess if it means something then the Lord will reveal it to me when I am ready to hear it. I just hope I don't have to dream it again!

4 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Wow! Glad you shared.

Pondering and praying...

Kelly said...

That was a scary one! I dreamed the other night that my hubby & I were staying at a hotel and in teh night a giant rabid squirrel tried to attack me. I couldn't go back to sleep either.

Its hard to know if God is trying to alert you to perhaps the devil trying to go after your daughter (you were in her bed)...or you said spare bed, some perhaps a friend of hers. Maybe you are supposed to help God aquire this persons soul, before the devil tries to acquire it for himself!

Such a deep dream. I would definitely pray about it and see if God prompts you. You could even ask him for a name. If he means for you to help someone, he will show you who.

Sweeter dreams tonight!

HisPrincess said...

I think it's definately connected to Stephanie. I have a strong urge to pray protection over her at the moment.

Feel free to join me!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that all is well in your daughter's life, that God will protect her and give you wisdom as her Mum. Bless your heart! And sleep tight tonight...