Saturday, May 31, 2008


Hi all,

After a busy day at netball and work today, I think I'm ready for our trip tomorrow. It was quite a bit easier than I thought actually. Netball went really well, my team won by quite a bit and they all played very well. I stayed at the club for tea with Robbie, as he was rostered on to help with dishes. The teenagers are all rostered on once or twice a year to help with dishes and clean up.

So now I'm home and the packing was surprisingly easy. I got the washing up to date last night so that made it easier. I have checked Pink's bag (which is twice the size of mine) and I'm going to have to get her to re think that tomorrow morning. Being a school trip the kids are all expected to wear school uniform. Pink has packed one pair of school pants, two school jumpers and two school shirts. She has also packed about 6 changes of casual clothes. I'm pretty sure she will need more than one pair of school pants for a whole week, and more than two shirts. I'm also pretty sure that she doesn't need 4 pairs of jeans, countless jumpers and casual t shirts and several sets of pyjamas. She has no socks either, and it could be just me, but I thought they were pretty necessary!

I was going to post a photo blog tonight about my day. I did remember to take some photo's this morning at work, and a couple around the garden but once I got to the football/netball I forgot all about it. Memory span of a gnat. So that will have to wait for another day.

Pink will have her camera with her during the next week so hopefully I will have some photo's to show everyone when we get back.

So, now I'm pretty tired and thinking I should turn in, since I have a 6 hour drive ahead of me tomorrow. I won't be posting for a whole week (how will I cope?!).

Dear Lord, please grant us safe travel tomorrow and a good nights rest for me tonight. I pray that the coming trip will be beneficial and enjoyable for Pink. Please watch over Robbie and Fisherman as they are left at home together.

2 valued opinions!:

Kelly said...

Amen! Be safe, and have fun. Do YOU play "netball"? I think that may be soccer in the US but I'm not sure. Football in europe is soccer in the US. Our football is a different sport.

I hope you guys have some wonderful bonding time on your trip. Have a blast!

HisPrincess said...

Hi Kelly,
We are home safe and sound as you may be able to tell from my latest post. Netball is similar to women's basketball, only you don't bounce or run with the ball, and the goal ring has no backboard!
We call soccer soccer but our football is different again.