Monday, May 5, 2008

Storm in a teacup or not?

My teenage daughter was chatting to a friend on MSN over the weekend. The friend was telling her about getting drunk over the weekend (said friend is 13).

Now, I know this friend pretty well, and my gut feeling is that it is all talk, that she is just trying to appear cool (I know that's not a cool word anymore but it's all I can come up with!). She has emotional issues, abandonment issues, and a fair helping of teenage angst and attitude.

My question is this, should I tell her Mum? Does this fall under the category of stirring up trouble since it may not have happened? She has said this kind of thing to Pink before, and we have later found it to be untrue. I'm loathe to put more on her Mum's plate, she has so much already and she is a dear friend. But what if it is happening? Wouldn't she want to know? And how would I feel if down the track I find that there is a problem and I didn't say anything?

Of course Pink doesn't want me to tell. She doesn't want to betray a confidence. The way I see it she (the friend, not Pink) is either lying or drinking. Neither is great but I don't want to be one of those finger pointing parents. Especially since I know how much stress this will cause her Mum. And I love her Mum, she has been through so much and I'm not sure how much more she can take.

I can't help but wonder why. My friend is a wonderful person. She loves the Lord, she loves her kids, she has dealt with more than her fair share of problems. I have sinned, I have a train wreck of a past, why does she have so much more heartbreak in her life? Why am I so blessed when she deserves it so much more?

Lord, I pray that I can make the right decision and if I decide to tell, then let me do it with tact and love. I pray that my friend and her daughter can find peace, and that they can lean on you and let you help them. If there is anything I can do to help, please show it to me and help me allow you to work through me.

3 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

I haven't had exactly that same situation but kinda close. I decided to call the gal in question and talk with her. We talked about consequences and how bad they can be. I also told her if I heard of the behavior again, I would have to talk with mom.

It seemed to help, in fact when I see this young lady at church she always gives me a big hug and we talk a few minutes.


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

I'm praying God will direct you because this is a terrible position to be in. I like what Jenny said before me.

HisPrincess said...

I did end up telling her mum. The night in question she was at home all night so she wasn't drinking.

So now her mum is going to tackle the lying, which she does to cover up really low self worth. Her mum was glad I told her and took it really well so it turned out as well as it could I guess.

Thanks for your support Jenny and Linda.