Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Joanie called me a "super woman" the other day and asked how I manage to run a household and work full time.

That prompted me to think about how this really does happen. I'm certainly not doing it on my own, this would be impossible. Here is how it happens.

My husband deserves a medal. Every morning he wakes the kids up, wakes them up again, and again (they are teenagers remember) while I have a shower. By the time I have finished my shower he is in the kitchen, starting to pack lunches and helping move the breakfast along by putting people's toast in the toaster, putting the kettle on etc. This morning I was running a bit late so he made my breakfast for me and handed it to me as I headed out the door.

Then he runs the kids to the bus stop (about 10km away) while I get to drive to work in calm, peace and quiet. When he has time he even does dishes and tidies the kitchen in the morning.

Fisherman meets the bus after school and feeds the hungry hoards before going back out to work.

On the weekend the housework is done properly and this is a joint effort. Everyone in the family has their job, and although it still sometimes takes a fair amount of prompting, they do manage to do their chores most weeks.

If Fisherman has time during the week he will put a few loads of washing through, sweep floors and just do a general tidy up. We are very lucky that farming is so flexible. It is a wonderful way of life, I can't imagine any other job where the father can be so hands on with his children. Of course in the busy periods of the year (seeding, harvesting and shearing) we don't see him for days on end. That is when I really appreciate all that he does for us!

So there you go. I am no super woman, I am a very lucky one!

4 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

What a sweet and blessed post! How wonderful for you to give honor to Fisherman and share more of your life with all of us. You are certainly blessed and I still think you're a SUPER woman married to SUPERMAN!

HisPrincess said...

Exacty. I had home made pizza today, which Fisherman made. I remembered to ring him and thank him.

Joanie said...

I see in 'your weather forecast' that rain is quite possible in the coming days... I'm praying the Lord will send it, so Fisherman can start seeding again!

Homemade pizza ~ Blaine makes the best pizza for us (he worked in a pizza restaurant in high school) though our remodel project has been so busy that he hasn't had the time in a couple of months!

HisPrincess said...

Fishermans favourite food is pizza. He thinks it's pretty great that Pink's boyfriend is a pizza cook! He has even shared his secret dough recipe.

Yes the forecast is for us to get some rain over the weekend. Fisherman is actually quite negative about it, I think he's just trying not to get his hopes up. Keep praying!