Monday, May 12, 2008

Times are a changin

Today I spent the day in my new office. I've only moved across the building but it's a whole different perspective. I will be spending three days per week in my new office, and two days covering reception, which is where I've spent the past 7 years.

It was nice, but it felt a bit odd. People didn't come and ask me questions (partly because they didn't know where I was I'm guessing!), the phone rang but it wasn't my responsibility to answer it. When my phone rang, it was actually for me! I was amazed by how much I achieved by taking reception duties out of the equation. I'm not sure if that's good or bad. While sometimes I resent customers ringing and coming to my counter, mostly I enjoy the interraction. Being a small town I know them all by name and it's nice to catch up with what's happening in people's lives. Now that I'm on the other side of the building people don't pass by my desk on their way to the spare parts or service departments. I only see people who specifically come to see me, which I thought I would love. I have to say it was a bit lonely! And the kitchen with my beloved coffee is quite a bit further away now!

I haven't really got my teeth into my new role at work yet, but I'm thinking the positives will outweigh the negatives. After 7 years in the same job I was thinking it was time for a new job as I had become bored and at times unproductive. I thought it was time to move on, but the Lord had the answer in creating a new role with the existing company that I work for. Which is great, they are fantastic employers and I get along with each and every member of staff.

Lord, thankyou that you always know what is best for me. I pray that I can enjoy the challenge of learning new skills and that I am up to that challenge.

6 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...
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Joanie said...

Blaine is facing a similar situation as he transitions into his new position (oh, if only a possible financal shortfall didn't hang over his head). We trust the Lord is able!

I'm praying that God will smooth out 'any wrinkles' in your transition and will fill you with contentment and satisfaction in your new position!

I'd better run. I need to eat breakfast and get the sealant on the walls downstairs...

How do you manage running your home, keeping up with your family and working full-time too? You are a SUPER woman!

*Sorry I needed to delete my original comment, but I couldn't handle the spelling error!

HisPrincess said...

In answer to your super woman question, I have an amazing husband who is at home at the moment doing the laundry and washing the floors. Thats the beauty of farming and being your own boss, but when we get busy it's a NIGHTMARE! During seeding Fisherman works 16 hour days and when he is at home he is asleep. That's when the kids have to step up and help out, which they don't mind doing. Pink's boyfriend has been a blessing also, he is very independant and points out to my two how much I do for them. He is amazed by it which is a bit sad really. His mum left when he was 12 and his Dad, while a lovely man, is not really there for him. So, at the ripe old age of 17 (it's his birthday today) he is fully capable of taking care of himself. That means he is a good influence on my ferals who at times think that I was put on this earth to wait on them!

Thankyou for your prayers Joanie. It is so wonderful to have friends like you and Lightening in my corner! I praise the Lord for sending you to me.

Katie said...

Congrats on your new job Sharon! I suspect you will get used to the peace in your office. I have had an office work life since 1975 but had to spend 2 years (2005-2007) in a cubicle. It was crazy and I didn't like it at all. I am happily back to an office with big windows and a door. I hope your office has windows so you can at least see outside and be reminded of God's blessings in the little things outside of us.

Katie said...
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HisPrincess said...

Yes I have a lovely window, which I found myself stopping and watching that lovely rain on Friday. We still need more though, so keep those prayers happening!