Monday, May 12, 2008

Stupid Game

Yes, it is a stupid game isn't it. You would think walking around whacking a ball with a stick would be a pretty simple process, nothing too complicated there. But no. There are so many silly little rules about when you can move the ball and when you can't, when you can use someone elses stick and when you can't, and there are lots more but I stopped listening!

The walk itself was quite pleasant. Beautiful day, pleasant scenery. The golf course that we played at runs along the coast so we had ocean views the whole day. But the issue of hitting the ball with a stick, now that was an exercise in frustration. I didn't play too badly really, I just like to do things well, and if I can't then I'd rather not do it at all. Golf definately falls into the "rather not do it at all" category.

I was impressed with the amount of walking involved, great exercise. I wore my pedometre and walked over 10 kilometres! And Robbie gave me a really pretty bright pink ball to use, which was great until I lost it in some bushes.

So, all in all, it wasn't an entirely unpleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I enjoyed the company and we had some really funny moments (mostly at my expense!).

Hope everyone had a lovely mothers day.

2 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

You're such a good sport and great mum!

I'm quite impressed with all the walking exercise you got - a free bonus... ;)

HisPrincess said...

I'm not a great mum! I'm a groovy mum!

Thanks Joanie! :)