Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Still Unequally Yoked but.......

Stuff has been happening in the past six months.

Once last month I had my WHOLE family in church with me. I was worship leading at the time so didn't get to sit with them but they were there! And then, a couple of weeks later Pink came along to church, with no prompting from me, she just decided to come. She asked at the time if next time I'm worship leading can she choose the songs. I said of course she could, and I'd love her to lead them too. She thought that was a good idea. We will see what she thinks in July when I'm back worship leading. My challenge there is to ask her if she wants to and then leave it to the Lord.

The communication lines about church and the Lord have been slowly but surely opening up between Fisherman and I. He says that he believes in God! I think I always knew that, but it was so wonderful to actually hear him say it. It gives me so much hope. The developements in our family have been wonderful and such an answer to prayer.

I guess what I need to do now is not drop the ball. Satan would love us to get complacent now wouldn't he. So I will continue to pray and pray and pray. And try my very hardest to lead by example.

Lord, thankyou so much for the movement toward you that I have seen occuring in my family. I pray that my husband can come to terms with what it is that makes him feel uncomfortable in church and come to look forward to the joy of worshipping you. I pray that we can talk openly and honestly with each other about our beliefs. I pray that I can be transparent in my faith and others can see how wonderful being saved by grace is through me.

7 valued opinions!:

Wrinkled Shirts said...

Thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed reading through your blog. Your transparency is encouraging.

HisPrincess said...

Thanks so much for coming to visit!

Love the name of your blog!

Lynda Meyers said...

If you take a very large ship and turn it very slowly, it is much more likely to stay turned. Anything that turns very quickly has the potential to turn back just as quickly.

You're doing right things right. Don't give up. No one promised living and loving an entire family over a lifetime would be easy. Just remember that easy isn't synonymous with good either!

HisPrincess said...

Thankyou Madison. Love the analogy, it really helps me keep perspective.

Joanie said...

Rejoicing in God's goodness and 'signs of hope' for you! Keep fighting the good fight.

Lord Jesus, I pray that You would continue to draw Sharon's family closer to you and each would desire to be engaged in a living and active relationship with You, our amazing Savior! I pray that You would watch over and protect this dear family. Keep Sharon's spirits up and her mind steady and focused on You. Please bring physical healing to bodies that need Your touch. And, please bring the rain needed to properly sustain the land that the seed could be sowed and be watered by You (that it may grow into a fruitful harvest ~ one committed to You and Your glory). We look to You for all things. Please bring them all peace in the midst of uncertainty. We all face challenges and difficulties, but it's reassuring to know we're not alone. You tell us that where two or more are gathered together, You are in their midst and hear their prayers. We may be many miles apart, but we are together in the family of God and agree together in asking for Your blessing and provision in many areas of Sharon and her family's lives. May they be a source of blessing to others and encouraged in the midst of a troubled world. We ask that in every area of our lives, that we bring glory to Your name knowing that You've promised never to leave us or forsake us, Lord! I thank You and praise You for Your love endures forever...

HisPrincess said...

Thanks so much Joanie.
You are such a blessing.

Mana Laura said...

Hi Sharon! Thanks for asking about my visit with my mom. She's doing really well this week, began eating again and getting out of the house. She has a PET scan tomorrow to check on a possible mass in her stomach. Of course, I'm praying they find NOTHING!
I will join you in prayer for your husband! Keep believing!