Friday, May 30, 2008

Careers Trip

Pink's school has had a long held tradition of sending the year 10 class each year on a "Career Observation Trip". This tradition has been going so long that both Fisherman and I remember our trips fondly.

This year it's Pink's turn. On Sunday we will drive to Adelaide (about 6 hours drive) with my friend Sharon and her son who is in Pink's class. Sharon and I were also in the same class, and went on Careers Trip together. Then next week the kids have lots of visits to workplaces, uni's and TAFE colleges to give them some sort of idea of what they would like to do with themselves when they leave school. They had choices and got to have input into the places they visit and Pink is pretty pleased with her options.

She will visit the SA Health Education Centre on Monday morning to find out about courses and careers in massage and natural therapies, and then the Adelaide Zoo in the afternoon. She loves animals but isn't really interested in a career around them, she just thought she'd like to go to the zoo! On Tuesday morning she will visit Clip Joint which is a hair dressing academy, and the Australian Institute of fitness in the afternoon. The Australian Institute of fitness looks at careers in personal training, nutrition and sports massage. On Wednesday morning she will visit the Australian College of Natural Therapies where she will see Acupuncture in action and learn about careers in Homeopathy, Naturopathy and Chinese Medicine. Wednesday afternoon the whole class will tour the Law Courts followed by shopping and a movie. On Thursday we are off to an architect who also does interior design and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in the afternoon to look at medical careers. Friday we will all drive home after a bit of shopping in the morning.

Pink's interests at the moment centre around Natural therapies and massage so she has chosen really well there, and will see a wide variety of careers in action.

I am completely disorganised at the moment with regard to getting ready for this trip. I have just discovered that it is my turn to work tomorrow (Saturday) morning and then I have football and netball commitments in the afternoon. Looks like the tumble dryer will be getting a workout tonight! I have to get all of Pinks school uniform washed and dried ready to pack Saturday night.

Robbie will be staying home with Fisherman, and he goes on school camp on Wednesday next week, so I also have to think about making sure everything he needs is ready. I think I'd better make myself a list!

4 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

Wow motherhood never ends does it? I have been feeling overlaoded with same duties this week..... we have so many details to attend to but our gracious God helps us prioritise and do the important! I am so thankful that there are only 24 hours in a day! I am sure you are too.... have a great week down here in Adelaide!

Joanie said...

The more I read about your life in South Australia, the more wonderful it sounds (yes, I know it's not perfect ~ but I do like much of what you do as a community and school life)...

What a delightful opportunity the school offers ~ nothing like that here in the States! I'm really excited for Pink and will be praying for you both while you're away. I'll also be praying for Fisherman and Robbie at home (and then Robbie off on Wednesday). And, I'm still praying for rain! On my yahoo home page, I have weather displayed for many places and your area is at the top. Every time I see "no rain" in the forecast, I pray again... Please Lord!

Have a wonderfully busy Saturday with sport and preparations AND an absolutely lovely week away with Pink! I pray God gives her specific guidance on the path He has planned for her... May you enjoy your time away, as well!

HisPrincess said...

Hi Lynette. Yes Pink and I love our trips to Adelaide. We especially love it when we don't have the boys shopping with us! They just don't do shopping well!

Joanie, thankyou so much. I feel very blessed to live in the community that I do, and while I realise it's not perfect I appreciate just how wonderful it is. Thankyou again for your continued prayer for me and my family. It means so much to know that a wonderful person on the other side of the world cares enough to remember me in her prayers. You are such a blessing.

Leah Adams said...

What fun!! I hope that the trip goes very well for all of you. Be safe!!
