Friday, May 9, 2008

The Pain!

Last night I did the fitness training component of our netball training. We ran, and then we ran again, and then we ran some more. And then we did sit ups, elbow dips and various other exercises which were really just a different way of running.

During our time spent practising court play, my team needed an extra because Pink's knees were sore so I jumped at the chance to get back on my beloved netball court. Now I hate to admit it, but I have to say that the time spent actually playing the game hurt more than all the running that we had already done.

I got home and had a nice warm bath which isn't the correct thing to do because my knee was swelling and really needed ice but at that stage I was cold and a warm bath was very inviting. Then it was off to bed.

This morning I am walking with a slight limp. It's not so much painful as it feels completely seized and that is because of the fluid floating around in there.

I'm so disappointed that 5 minutes of my favourite game in the world has caused such an immediate and painful reaction in my knee. I know the lesson here is that two knee reconstructions is enough, and the reason for the swelling is that I have no cartlidge left so my knee is grinding bone on bone so dodging, twisting and jumping is out of the question. But I so don't want to learn that lesson! I think I will just stay in denial for a little while longer. Not selling the netball uniform yet! Stamps foot (good leg!).

10 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

:( Sorry to hear that.

You know, you can always keep your uniform as a momento. There's nothing that say you HAVE to give it up just because you're not playing.

Now what is it with ME and netball courts? Am I ever going to be fit enough to play a game????

lightening said...

Oh. Will this get you out of GOLF on Sunday????

HisPrincess said...

No I don't think it will get me out of golf. And I don't WANT to keep my uniform as a momento. I want to WEAR it!!!!! *Drums heels on floor, spits dummy, throws toys out of cot*

Of course you will get fit enough to play a game. It's just that you TRY so hard! Most people would just slack off a bit and take a breather, but noooo, not ever ready bunny Lightening! You are doing a fabulous job, I'm really proud (and extremely jealous) of you! Are you planning on joining me on Saturday and helping me take notes?

lightening said...


Yes, I was planning on joining you Saturday to help in whatever way I can. Should I bring my own pen and notepad???? That sounds all official like. LOL. Now you will be telling me what you want me to take notes ON won't you????

HisPrincess said...

Notes would be good! I often find that I sit there for a whole game with my pen poised and write nothing!

Guess what! I don't have to work in the morning! WOOHOO!

Joanie said...

My, my ladies... This has been quite the conversation to follow between the two of you! How delightful ~ though I do feel as though I may be eavesdropping a bit. Let's see, it's your Friday already. No work on Saturday morning, which means it was your turn to work - right? Netball on Saturday or is it a football game... Hmmm, so Lightening is supposed to takes notes. Like a scouting report or stats for your own players. This is a very fun puzzle I'm trying to put together, knowing just a little of your life and goings on.
How is Fisherman's knee? Pink's bruises? Did she like the guitar? And you, trying to play like you're still 20?! I don't blame you one bit, for we're not a day older, are we? I, too, would not want to keep my uniform as a momento, but would want to wear it and would throw a major tizzy fit if I could not. We're funny creatures, aren't we?
Has it rained again, yet? Still praying. Well, I hope you all have a delightful day of sport and enjoy golfing on Sunday ~ a church activity or something more competitive. And, I didn't even know you could golf... Will Fisherman be golfing too?
May both of you and your families have a blessed and joy-filled weekend! (I'll be mudding still...)

Well, it's quite late here, my muscles are aching and my eyelids will be barely stay open... Goodnight, dear ones!

HisPrincess said...

You are welcome to "eavesdrop" anytime Joanie! And you have the picture pretty well right!

Golf...hmmm. No I don't play golf. I despise the silly game. My dear husband and son signed me up to play a mothers day round with them, they thought it would be a nice way to spend my mothers day. I am mortified but DS is so excited that I can't disappoint him. I will blog about it in due course!

Fishermans knee is fine, Pink's bruises are mending and the guitar STILL hasn't arrived!

Anonymous said...

Joanie - not eavesdropping at all. :) That's the great thing about blog conversations. Anyone can join in anytime. And when you figure out what I'm going to be taking notes on, we'll both know!!!! ;) Although, I am good at making things up as I go along. LOL.

Joanie said...

You are both so delightful and how I wish I lived so much nearer to you ~ of course, bringing my dear friend Kate too!

Blaine and Nicholas took up golf last year though they know better than to involve me. I hope you do have an enjoyable time in spite of your feelings about the game. :0

Can't wait to read your blog entry. Don't forget the camera. I'm sure the boys would be willing to take a few shots of you "enjoying" yourself! So what is Pink doing while you're playing golf?

Have a great weekend and may both of you have a wonderful and blessed Mother's Day!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie and Jodi.

I hope you both have a blessed mothers day, Joanie don't work too hard!

Pink is actually talking about joining us on the golf course, although that remains to be seen! I don't think her temperament is good for golf!