Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A day in the Life.....

I've been meaning to do a post like this for a while now, so this is how my day panned out yesterday. I've skipped over what I do at work as it's not really very interesting to anyone else!

5.15am - Fisherman gets up and goes out to work. I sense it more than anything. He knows better than to speak to me at that hour, I am not a morning person!

5:20am - Fisherman lets Boris the cat in. He licks my nose and snuggles under the covers, purring loudly. I adore this cat which explains how he gets away with this behaviour. Like I said, I'm not a morning person!

6.45am - My alarm goes off. I listen to the weather report (no rain), then talk myself into moving. I drag myself out of bed, disrupting Boris in the process, he glares at me as he stretches. Cats can frown you know.

7am - Head for the shower, waking Pink and Robbie on my way past. I have to turn Pink's light on to have any hope of getting her to stay awake. Takes after her mother.

7:25am - Emerge from the shower, almost human now. Wake Pink again, and again, and one more time before she actually moves. Help Robbie find socks.

7:30am - Prepare kids lunches and breakfast simultaneously (this is where I miss Fisherman, when he isn't so busy he helps with this bit). Referee argument over who has stolen who's socks.

7:55am - we all head out the door. Drive Robbie 10km to bus stop to be taken to his primary school. Pink stays with me as her school is walking distance from my work.

8:30am - Arrive at work. Turn on computer and make coffee. Check my emails, blog and list of tasks to be done today.

8:45am - Pink leaves for school, only to return two minutes later. She wants me to drive her so she doesn't get mud on her shoes (or Robbie's socks). Praise the Lord. We have mud.

9am - Start processing machinery forward orders for 2009. Apparently there is a worldwide tractor shortage and we have to guesstimate how many tractors we will sell in 2009. Spend time liasing between salesmen and management to get a quota everyone is happy with.

12noon - Lunchtime. Buy lunch at the bakery because I was too lazy to pack my own this morning. Head to my friend Sharon's (yes, she is a Sharon too) house for lunch and enjoy a cuppa and catch up with her. We plan what time we will leave on Sunday for the school trip we are going on with our two eldest.

1pm - Back to work and those tractor orders. After a couple of breaks for coffee, email and blog catchups they are all finished and ready to be emailed to CASE IH in the morning. We will order 65 tractors and hope and pray we have got it right.

6pm - Head home, stopping on the way to grab some milk and a DVD for Robbie (he rang, begged, whined, I caved).

6:30pm - Arrive home, light the fire and prepare dinner. Help Robbie with his homework (does anybody remember how to multiply fractions? Hmmm) while dinner is cooking. Monitor Pink's internet usage while she is chatting to friends on Myspace.

7pm - Sit down to dinner with the kids. Fisherman doesn't eat with us at thes time of year since he won't be home til after midnight. Put his dinner in the microwave for him to re-heat and eat when he gets home. Spend time chatting with the kids over dinner, catching up on their day.

7:30pm - Clean kitchen then sit down to do some cross stitch. I'm working on a new one, it's a beautiful picture of a sheep dog pup sitting inside a farmers boot. Cute. Could take me several years!

9pm - Send Robbie to bed, after telling him 15-20 times (ok, maybe 3) to clean his teeth. Pink goes to her room to practice guitar and the song she is singing in an upcoming variety concert. I enjoy the peace and quiet while continuing with my cross stitch. I mean to get up and spend some time reading my bible before heading to bed but before I know it it's 11pm and I'm still stitching. Cross stitch is addictive you know.

11.15pm - Put a load of washing in the dryer, put the cats outside (they are frowning again) and turn in.

2am - Fisherman comes to bed. We briefly chat about I'm not sure what but I try to sound awake and interested.

9 valued opinions!:

Marilyn in Mississippi said...

Hi there. I saw on your post on "The Point" that you are from Australia and decided to check out your blog. My daughter-in-law is from there....but from the North instead of the South. Your blog is interesting. I like to read about how other people go about their daily life.

God bless you...
Marilyn in MS (USA)

Kelly said...

Neat post! Your husband works long hours!!! What does he fish for?

Thanks for listing me on your blog list, I will add you to mine too.

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

This was a good time to get to know you a little bit. I love animals, too and have way too many!

I have found that if I don't make my quiet times with God first in the morning, they often will get neglected.

When my hubby is working long hours (not as long as yours!) those are the times when I need to really press into God and He is my all in all. :)

HisPrincess said...

Marilyn, thanks for visiting, where does your daughter live?

Kelly, my husband loves to fish which is why I've called him Fisherman, but he's really a farmer. He spends weekends fishing for King George Whiting, snapper, squid. He works these ridiculous hours during seeding and harvest but not all year round thankfully.

Sonya, I really need to be vigilant with my devotions or it is forgotten completely.

Joanie said...

Hello Sharon!

I love that you shared "a day in the life"! What a fun peek into your daily world (at least during the planting season). I'd like to make a request, as you love sports. Will you do a photo journal 'day in the life' on a Saturday with all the activities your run here and there for?! And make sure Lightening or someone else gets a picture of you coaching too! Cheering for Robbie... Does Fisherman go to the events? If not, take a picture of whatever he's doing that day. Doesn't have to be this week, but it would be fun to 'see' your day. You could photo journal a day as you shared (kids, breakfast, making lunches, driving to work (sheep in the road?), the building where you work, your office, the bakery, etc.) - I'm sure you get the idea. I really enjoy reading about and seeing your world!

I'm still praying for RAIN!

HisPrincess said...

Hi Joanie, I've been meaning to do a photo post for some time now, but I always remember about half way through the day! Mornings just aren't my thing! I will try tomorrow. Yes Fisherman does come along to sport with us, he boundary umpires the footy. He was a brilliant player but has retired now, it was taking too long to recover after each game! The old body just doesn't bounce back like it used to.

Unknown said...

I love the day in the life! It is 95 degrees in the beautiful (and extremely HOT) Southeast United States....and you are lighting a fire? What is the temp there?

Prayers and Blessings!

HisPrincess said...

Hi Rebecca, the days here are beautiful at the moment, around 25 degrees celsius but the nights are getting cooler, around 6 or 7 degrees. We are used to the warmer weather so it doesn't take much for me to light the fire! I hate the cold.

Katie said...

Sharon: I hear you about the addiction of cross stitching. When I had better eye sight and didn't have carpal tunnel syndrome, I was completely addicted. I still do it occasionally, now that I have discovered 6 pt Aida cloth. It is soo much easier making large projects.