Friday, May 9, 2008

She is for sale again!

Or possibly I could pay someone to take her away...please? Any takers? No?

Honestly, the attitude drives me mad sometimes. I don't need to be driven mad, I can get there perfectly well on my own!

Princess Pink has just been to see me at work, thought she might do an hours work, which is fine. She often comes in and helps out with the filing and gets paid for it. She checked her timesheet and saw that I had paid her earlier this week. She wasn't happy because I put it straight into her bank account (evil Mother that I am). Then she wanted to know how long she could work for which was a little over an hour since she came in at 4.15pm and I work til 5.30pm. Well, she didn't like that either, she thought she could get paid for an hour and a half since she almost got here at 4pm. So with that she spat the dummy (seems to be a trait in our family of late!) and left again. But not before she had complained about the amount she gets paid, the position she has to play on the netball court tomorrow, the fact that she is rostered to time keep at a junior grade of netball tomorrow, the fact that the sky is blue, you name it, she complained about it.

She can be so sweet and considerate, such good company sometimes. I get really frustrated with this demanding, selfish side of her. And when she gets like this she makes everyone pay. She is awful to everyone in the family, and especially awful to her poor, patient and ever tolerant boyfriend.

So, we shall see what the dinner conversation is like tonight! I'm sure it will be entertaining in hindsight!

4 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

2 posts in one day AND a growing blogroll. Me sense a growing addiction here!!!! ;)

I had a giggle over your post heading. Even though it's not really all that funny.

I hope she wakes up happy in the morning.

What position doesn't she want to play???

HisPrincess said...

She was ok over dinner tonight surprisingly enough!

She seems to want to play any position other than the one I put her in! Maybe I should change her blog name to Mary, as in Contrary Mary!

Yes, here I am blogging again! It is indeed an addiction!

Joanie said...

Oh dear me... Yes, those young adult years can be quite challenging indeed! Everything is going along fairly well and then BOOM ~ a major eruption occurs and things are spewing here, there and everywhere! Ugh.

The good thing is that you're not alone for I have endured the same things in our family. My mom tells me that now I understand some of what they went through ~ though I hardly believe I was as challenging at times. I was a model daughter! I was though, don't you believe me... I never caused a bit of trouble. ;)

I need to be doing a thousand other things, so I'll say goodbye for now. I have three FULL days of work ahead of me (yes, including Mother's Day), as the clock and calendar keep moving forward! Blaine and I are planning a fun outing day in June sometime to celebrate Mother's and Father's Day. Have a joyous weekend and I'll be praying for peace, unity and great JOY!

HisPrincess said...

Thankyou Joanie! I will try to relax and just enjoy myself.

Pink was again in fine form today. Grrrr.