Friday, February 29, 2008

My Mum is proud of me!

I am 38 years old and today for the very first time my Mum actually said the words "I'm proud of you". After 38 years I can say that it's never too late. It's a moment I won't forget in a hurry.

Don't get me wrong, my Mum is a great Mum but not the demonstrative type. I know she loves me and I hoped that she was proud of me, but now I know! I didn't even realise that this is the approval I have been searching for my entire life! Talk about a light bulb moment.

I married someone who tells me how great I am all the time, I work for people who tell me that I'm doing a good job, I get recognition from the various committees and community events I'm involved in, but I've just realised that the one I really wanted to be proud of me is my Mum. In some instances we never really grow up do we.

I guess the lesson in there for me is to make sure I tell my kids when I'm proud of them and that I love them, don't just assume that they know. I'm sure they do know, but I'm also sure that they need to hear it.

4 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

That is the truth, I'm still waiting on Dad to be proud of me. A few years ago he did start to say "I love you" every now and then. Which was huge!

I'm like you I try to tell my girls everything I wish my parents had told me, now I just hope I don't leave out all the good things they did tell me...

Have a great day!

HisPrincess said...

Its funny how we carry these things around, and then we try to correct all our parents perceived wrongs through our own parenting. I've hope I'm a good parent but if I've done stuff that they will carry around with them, I hope I can become aware of that and change it.

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome.

There are so many things that I so rarely (if ever) hear/heard from my parents. It's a great reminder to make sure to say those things to our kids.

HisPrincess said...

It certainly is isn't it Bettina.

We can only do the best we can, we just have to hope we don't scar our children for life in the process! No pressure!