Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Storm in a teacup

Hmmm, it seems I may have over reacted (not like me!). I got a note home from school today informing us of the change around with the math class. They are splitting them into "applied mathematics" (which the kids are calling dumb maths) and "pure mathematics" (smart maths according to the kids). Pink assumed she would be put into applied mathematics, and me, being the terrible parent that I am who has little or no faith in her daughter's abilities thought that was a reasonable assumption.

Well. Shame on me. The school has recommended that she do pure mathematics which means that while the work will become more difficult she gets to keep the great teacher. I rang the principal today and he was very lovely and told me that she isn't changing classes and the only person who thinks Pink is dumb is Pink. Well, yes, I did know that. So I was suitably informed when she came home and I didn't act surprised at all. I just said "of course they recommend you do pure maths, you have worked really hard this year so far and they know you can handle it". It was lovely to see her happy about school and seeing her be rewarded for her hard work.

The really hard work begins now though. Pure maths in year 10 is preparing them for university entry level maths in year 12. Its no walk in the park from what I remember (it wasn't that long ago!). I pray now that she will continue to grow in confidence and that she will learn and grow throughout the year.

4 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

My middle daughter has a hard time in school at times. It almost like a vicious cycle. The good news is we can break it.

On a side note I love your layout! I'm thinking about getting a different room, when I figure out how!


HisPrincess said...

I think maturity also has a lot to do with it. Last year was horrendous for Pink. She thought she was dumb and thought any offer of extra help was just another way of calling her dumb.

Things seem to have settled this year in that regard. She is listening and learning to ask when she needs help. She has matured enough to realise that it helps to stay on the good side of the teachers, even the teachers you don't like.

It is definately and answer to prayer for us!

As for your blog, just go to the customise button and have a play. Its not too scary!

Anonymous said...

Thats fantastic news!!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Bettina. It's nice to know I have support out there in blog land!