Saturday, March 1, 2008

Smiley Saturday

I have heaps to smile about this week, I've had a great week.

My mum told me she is proud of me, for the first time ever yesterday. Still smiling about that!

My Grandad suffered a minor stroke but has had no loss of function and has already recovered enough to play bowls and complain about the heat! I am smiling at the thought of it! He is one of those gruff old men with a heart as soft as a marshmallow. I smile everytime I think of my Grandad. A lovable old rogue!

Pink is STILL happy at school! I feel I need to pinch myself! We have had another good week at school where she is being co-operative, and achieving great results. I am so proud of the effort she is making and the change in her attitude......and yes, I have told her that!

Joanie has a surprise for me. But that's all she has told me, I do love surprises.

I could go on and on....but I'm afraid that the sickening chirpyness of my post will have you all running off in search of a bucket! Sorry! But I just can't stop smiling! What a week, and what an amazing answer to prayer!

7 valued opinions!:

Theresa said...

Thanks for stopping by for a visit. It took me a minute (and a half) to figure out why your post said 'Saturday'...duh, you are across the world...even though it is officially Saturday in the US (Pennsylvania, to be exact). I guess I should go to bed before I have to wake up. I'll be back for another visit. Congrats on the 'proud' comment! Theresa

Joanie said...

Sharon ~

My heart is nearly bursting with all the SMILES that Lord has blessed you with this week. He is so good! I'm thrilled that your Mother has told you she is proud of you and filled a void that you've felt for so long... God knew just what you needed. And, your JOY has blessed me that in my time of 'hiding under His wing' and allowing Him to care for me; my heart is filled with joy, because of the wonderful things He is doing in your life (and your family) and watching you grow in Him more each day! Rejoice, Rejoice and again I say REJOICE!
I'm off to bed, as my Saturday will be filled with the sights and sounds of Sew Expo (and spending the day with my precious daughter, Elizabeth). I hope work and the tennis finals went well for you ~ Joanie

HisPrincess said...

Theresa: Thanks for your post, I enjoyed your blog and look forward to visiting often.

Joanie: I am fast becoming aware that you are one of those people who can always be relied upon to say exactly the right thing. Thankyou so much.

Anonymous said...

*checks self*

no, nope, not queasy at all ;) lol

I'm glad you've had such a lovely week!!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I hope your Grandad is on way to a full recovery.

It is always good to know our kids are happy at school.
I came via Lightening's SS

My Little Drummer boys

Jenny said...

I'm glad that your granddad is ok. I'm glad you had a great week! Have a great weekend!


HisPrincess said...

Thanks for your kind words everyone.

Yes, Grandad is fully recovered (much to the extreme relief of the nursing staff I imagine!) Thank you everyone for your kind words.