Thursday, March 13, 2008

On the road...

Tomorrow Pink and I are setting off for Adelaide at a very unsociable hour of the morning.

Since Adelaide and South Australia are in the middle of longest heatwave ever I'm thinking we will get going early and try to avoid being on the road in the heat of the day. We have to pass through Whyalla and Port Augusta where the forecast is in excess of 40 degrees with a hot north wind. Thank goodness for air conditioned cars!

Also Pink wants to get to Adelaide with plenty of shopping time up her sleeve. It's a five and a half hour drive so getting going early is a good idea. Although I can't imagine shopping will be much fun, we will head to one of the big enclosed air conditioned shopping malls!

Pink has her first singing lesson at 6.30pm tomorrow and then another one on Saturday at 11am after which we will head home. I'm excited to hear what a professional has to say about her singing. I think she is wonderful but I'm thinking I might just be a little biased! The first lesson will be about seeing where she is at and what level they will start her from, the second will be a proper lesson. She is a bit nervous. She's starting to doubt herself (as you do) and wonder if she really is any good. I hope the teacher is encouraging and positive.

I'm quite looking forward to spending time alone with Pink. We have ten hours driving to do so we should be able to cover lots of topics!

Lord, I pray that Pink and I can get to Adelaide safely tomorrow without any problems. I pray that she enjoys her lessons and learns from her teacher and that we can enjoy this time together.

5 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Sounds like a lovely trip for the two of you. I always enjoy road trips (whether short or long) with our children and the ability to chat about life, faith, etc. May the Lord bless your conversation, time together and give you safe travel. May Pink see your heart and may she be willing to share hers with you. And, may she sing to the Lord at both sessions! (He will make her path straight...)

Joanie said...


HisPrincess said...

Thanks so much Joanie.
I will post a post with all the latest news soon when I'm not so tired.
Had a full on day at work today, and have just arrived home from Squash with Robbie. Meetings after work all week, and then Easter!
Looking forward to the break.

Joanie said...

You sound tired, but happy...

Wow ~ your week is full! I am reminded this is SPRING CLEANING week with Easter arriving on Sunday, so I think my days shall be quite full this week myself.

I have treats to make today, so I can take them to my dear friend, Christi, at my naturopath's office tomorrow morning. The beds need laundering, dust the house, air the house (should it ever get warm and dry out a bit ~ would love to trade weather for a while) and prepare the basement to be packed and emptied for 2 months! I shall think of you and pray for you while I am busy scurrying about my house!

Thinking of you and all the peace and quiet you are so blessed with on your farm. May the Lord give you strength for the week ahead and plenty of quiet moments for refreshment and rejuvination!

Jenny said...

I hope you all had fun! Have you all had any rain yet?

We actually had tornado's in our town this weekend. Thankfully they were a little south from our house and no one was killed, but it was scary!

Have a great night,