Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Living in the Word

A dear friend pointed out the obvious to me this week. I was marvelling at how good I've been feeling, and how positive I was feeling about life. She commented that when you seek the Lord as I have been lately and you live in the word, then you tend to focus on the positives. Blogging about my blessings has certainly done this for me, and I highly recommend it!

It's made me think though. I'm not really living in the word because even though I talk to the Lord a lot, pray for myself and my friends and count my blessings I'm still not really reading the word. I'm just not sure where to start. I have attended various bible studies over the years and enjoyed them and I hate to admit that these are probably the only times when I have really read the bible. When I am worship leading I look up various readings on this and that but I'm not in the habit of turning to the bible when I'm looking for something to read. I have read books about the bible and interpreting the bible which I admit is a little backward. I have read many books by the likes of Max Lucado and CS Lewis. I love to read. Reading is one of my favourite passtimes so what is stopping me from sitting down and reading the most important book of all? It's a bit overwhelming, and I'm not entirely sure how to go about it which seems a bit silly. I have on occasion just picked it up and started from the beginning but I rarely get past Genesis. If anyone has an easier way then I'd love to hear from you!

8 valued opinions!:

lightening said...

I would start with 1 Corinthians in the New Testament and then read forward from there. I LOVE Paul's various letters.

My personal favourites are Colossians, 1 & 2 Peter and 1 & 2 Timothy. And James.

If you want some smaller books to start with then skip forward to 1 Timothy and read through to Jude from there. You can always come back and read the other longer letters later.

The next thing I want to do is read through the bible chronologically (the way it's set out now it's not completely in order from start to finish but more grouped together into sections). I'm not quite ready yet but when I am I intend to blog about it.

Hope this helps a little.

lightening said...

BTW - just be aware that when things are going well with our walk, Satan likes to throw a spanner in the works. I will pray for protection for you but I'm concerned that if things start to be a struggle you might think it's something you've done and it doesn't always work that way.

Satan doesn't like us to grow closer to God and does try to thwart our efforts. That's not something to be concerned about but more have an awareness of. If I'm not making sense, let me know. :)

HisPrincess said...

You are making perfect sense. Thanks for your advice! I will start reading today! Its nice to have a starting point, I think that is what was causing me to procrastinate. A bit like a messy bedroom, all a bit overwhelming and not sure where to start.

Joanie said...

I agree with Lightening. Good advice. Satan definitely will do whatever it takes to distract you from spending time in the Word.
I, too, struggle in the area. I love books and reading and a great story..., but have struggled with staying focused and reading on in my Bible. Since I began keeping a small notebook with special verses in it, it has increased my desire to continue reading the Word and seeing what else God desires to reveal about His truth, love, forgiveness, etc. And, you'll know if you're on the right track when you do experience "interference" or other types of "distractions" ~ press in all the more. Fall in love with His Word, just as He desires you to fall in love with Him (you are His bride; each of us are). The more you get to know Him through reading the Word, you'll want to know Him even more!

Kath said...

oh very good. I needed to know that too so thanks for bringing that up.

Leah Adams said...

Dear one,

The very best way that I read the Bible is through in-depth Bible studies done in small groups. I NEED the discipline that comes from have homework to do daily and then accountability from a small group. Although I had been a Christian many years, before I began small group in-depth Bible study, I knew very little of the Bible.

Choose one of Beth Moore's studies and dig in. Jesus the One and Only is a great place to start. Then she has many other studies that would get you digging deep in the Word. Her study on the life of John, called Beloved Disciple is excellent as are all her studies.

You can download the videos that go along with the studies at or you can purchase the audio or video leader kits. The leader kits are very expensive but if you have a group of ladies who want to do in-depth Bible study you can share the cost. That is what my Tuesday morning group does.

I get so much more out of a guided indepth study than I do by just sitting down and reading a chapter out of the Word. Application becomes much easier that way.

Hope this helps.


HisPrincess said...

Thankyou everyone for all your comments. I read all the way through 1 Corintians last night. Then read it again, writing down passages that seemed to jump out at me along the way.

I really enjoyed the experience and would have kept going if not for extreme tiredness. When you find yourself reading the same phrase four times without comprehension it's time to go to bed!

I do enjoy doing studies Leah, and will definately look into your suggestions. I was always the nerdy kid at school who did all her homework, and I still enjoy it so I can see this approach working for me!

Jenny said...

Colossians is my favorite book! I love the picture it paints. Joshua's first chapter is great too.
