Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Future

Pink is in the process of seriously considering what it is that she wants to do with herself when she graduates high school. It's two years away yet but she is giving it some serious thought.

She has surprised me quite a bit. The careers she has shown an interest in are completely new to me which makes me wonder how well I really do know her! When she was struggling at school and calling herself dumb everyday (thank the Lord that phase is over!) she decided she would be a hairdresser or beautician. Then she started doing well at school, and thinking to herself "hey, maybe I could aim a bit higher". Not that there is anything wrong with hairdressing or being a beautician! Now she is thinking Naturopath or Massage Therapist or both. And coming a close second is (wait for it!) Social Worker! Now those of you who know Miss Pink would know that sympathy isn't one of her strong points. My ever wise and long suffering friend Liz tells me that sympathy isn't necessarily a good trait in a social worker. What I'm really amazed about is that the child who chose a career based on the least amount of study is now looking at studying applied or social science!

She has organised to do some work experience with a Naturopath later in the year and I will be very interested to see what she thinks of it.

Meanwhile, I shall try to pick my jaw up off the floor and be supportive. What happened to singing I hear you say? Well, she has decided that if that happens all well and good but it's hardly a realistic career to pursue, and she isn't sure she wants to be involved in an industry which centres so much and judges you on your outward self. Yes. My jaw is still on the floor after that one too.

Parenting, its just one surprise after another!

9 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

Doesn't in amaze you how fast the change from "dreaming" to "planning".

One thing I try to keep reminding Meg of is that God has something for her to do, make sure she is asking Him. She kinda rolls her eyes, like Duh, mom.

She is a little younger than your daughter but she is doing some of the same thing. It's fun to watch and inspiring at the same time!

Have a great day!

Joanie said...

Sharon ~

I rejoice that you are seeing how God is working in and through Pink's life. He has a plan for her and the seed(s) that He planted are beginning to grow. It's our job to water, fertilize, weed and protect (as much as we humanly can - for her life ultimately belongs to the Lord) that she will sprout and grow and God's plans will be abundant FRUIT in her life. The best way to do these things is pray, pray, encourage and chat with her along the way and pray some more! He is so good and His path will be made clear for her...

And perhaps, she will desire to use her voice as you are ~ in leading His people in worship! Let's pray!

jubilee said...

One surprise after another is right. I pray that Pink will find what makes her happy and the Lord happy at the same time.

BTW thank you for our sweet comments . . . and yes, I have saved a copy of the post for her.

Anonymous said...

Pink may "suffer no fools" but I have seen with my own eyes the compassion she shows to a child who has been treated unfairly (toward my own daughter when the other girls were leaving her out).

That's great that she's got a few different ideas on where she might like her life to head. The great thing these days is that there's no reason she needs to follow one career path forever either.

Kids are great at surprising us at times aren't they. LOL.

And on the topic of goals and dreams for when they get older. I asked this question of my youngest yesterday. His response "go to school". LOL. There's only so far into the future a 4-year old can see.

HisPrincess said...

Jenny: yes I am amazed by how quickly she has gone from "dreaming" to "planning", and just a tiny bit sad, she will have flown from the nest before I know it!

Joanie: I thought of you when she came up with Naturopath! Wouldn't it be amazing if she one day used her voice for God's glory? I look forward to the day.

Jubilee: No problem. I found your blog beautiful and encouraging.

And Lightening: You are right about her showing compassion, but at the moment it's only toward people she likes! I worry about her going into the social work side of things, she is such a worrier herself and gets pretty stressed about injustice now. I'm not sure how she would cope if faced with it every day.

Leah Adams said...

sounds like Miss Pink is still searching. she has plenty of time to decided!! some people don't know what they want to do the day they leave high school. she will be just fine.

I would be glad to send you the chicken 'n dumplings recipe from my regular email or on a comment form on your blog. If you want me to send it regular email just send me an email to and give me your email address and I'll get it right to you.


Joanie said...

It would be a total delight and blessing to her community for Pink to become a Naturopath! The world needs more of them... (I won't get on my soap box about conventional medicine - though it has its place - ~ I will just say "thank you Lord for naturopathic medicine and saving my life, so far, with it. Now if I can just find complete healing!)

I can relate to Pink and being a worrier and stressed over injustice. I have been there and my heart has been broken from time to time, because of it. However, I pray You Lord Jesus will draw Pink into a close relationship with You for You alone are our source of strength, our enabler, our counselor, our healer, our protector, our wisdom, our truth, our love and joy! And, I pray that one day she shall SING to your glory... Lord Jesus, may she stay on the path You are laying before her and not look to the left or right, BUT learn to trust you completely. I pray Pink would have a life changing revelation of who you are and how much you love her. In Jesus' precious and mighty name ~ Amen

I can so relate to dealing with children leaving home and beginning their own life. Our oldest moved out to a university apartment this year and it's been really good. While I don't want all our children gone yet ~ it is a special joy to my heart to watch as they spread their wings and learn to soar with the Lord. I have a different, but really special relationship with Benjamin now and I'm seeing him mature into an amazing young man! I am looking forward to similar experiences with our other children who are still at home... During our children's high school years, my husband and I became more of a coach and counselor ~ encouraging them and being available to talk about any subject at any hour of the night (me; not usually my husband). I'm really thankful I established that relationship and learned that they would not make decisions in the same way I do (but are still able to make good decisions) and now I have a really good relationship with our older two young people and working on the youngest! The Lord has really helped me transition toward this stage of my life. Family gatherings are treasured and I'm thankful for any time (short or long) that we can be together.

Joanie said...

Off the subject ~ but you have to check this out... especially with all the heat you've had at home! and go to her "in like a lion" entry for March. You'll be amazed with the tallest snowwoman built in Maine. Her daily photo shot has more info too:

I thought you could use some relief from all that heat!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks so much Joanie. I can't honestly imagine snow at the moment!

We have today exceeded the all time heatwave record for Australia. But I'm not exactly excited about reaching that record!