Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Farm Stuff

Ok, I'm going to get all farmers wifey on you now.

We are about to enter into a seeding program (assuming it rains) in very uncertain times. While the wheat prices are doing wonderful things there is still that little detail of actually coming up with a crop. Its pretty scary. For many of us in our area this year is real make or break stuff. We have managed to live off savings for the past three years but another bad year could really cripple us. I don't want to sound all doom and gloom but thats pretty much the way it is.

So what's the plan. I guess the best plan is to trust that the Lord will look after us. Also to accept that the Lords plan for us may not include being farmers. Thats not so difficult for me to accept but DH is doing his dream job, he can't (or won't) imagine doing anything else. I worry about how having to leave the farm that he has worked all his life will affect (effect? I never get that right!) him. He doesn't have the same faith to rely on that I do. How do you cope with change and adversity without the Lord to guide you? Not very well I imagine.

I guess the bottom line is that I am worrying about something that may not happen. Which is something that I excell at. It's time to hand it over to the Lord and try not to worry about.

Lord, please hold us all in your hand this year as we go forth into the unknown. If farming isn't where we are meant to be then please make the transition as smooth as possible. Please open my husbands heart so that he can leave all his fears and worries with you. Amen.

8 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven; let in rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven; let it rain. (These are words to a worship song that is talking about the Lord's blessings falling from heaven upon His children.) Lord, please shower this land with your blessings and much needed rain ~ at just the right time.

Lord Jesus ~ you care about each one of your children. You hear Sharon crying out to you for help, protection, provision and wanting to trust you completely. And yet, we are human; weak and frail. When trials and testing come our way it's hard to be steadfast and strong. Lord, you know Sharon's husband. You know the talents and gifts you've given him. He desires to work the land ~ his life is a reflection of how you teach your children through your Word. He's a steward of your land Lord ~ over crops and livestock. This land has fallen onto hard times ~ drought. This precious family (and others like them) are utterly dependent on you, Lord Jesus. Please, break this drought, cause their land to be fertile and full of life once again. Lord ~ I would willingly lay down my own dreams of farming that you would bless this lovely family, that they would know you, serve you and be a blessing to others around them. Please make them a light in their community and around the world. I pray that Sharon's dear husband would have a fresh revelation of who YOU are. May he know you personally - in a one-on-one relationship. Please speak to him Holy Spirit. Guide his path, guard his heart and deliver them all Lord into the Promised Land! You are able. I thank you for taking care of them, no matter what crosses their path. You never promised the journey would be easy, but you did promise never to leave us or forsake us. And, Lord, if their journey must change courses to a new path ~ I pray Your grace, mercy, love and provision for their every need. Thank you.

I pray Matthew 13:1-9 over Sharon's husband ~ that he would be a blessed farmer whose seed does fall on good soil and it produces an abundant crop (not only a physical crop, but also a spiritual one).
Lord, I also pray 1 Peter 5:2-4 over him ~ that he will not only be a good shepherd to his flock of sheep, but you will also enable him to be an example and shepherd for "Your flock". Maybe not today or tomorrow, but soon Lord. Help him to start with his own family. Thank you.
Lord Jesus, I pray that you bring victory to this area in South Australia. Do a new work there Lord; people committing their lives to you and bringing their whole tithe into Your storehouse and seeing if you will not pour forth such blessing that they cannot contain it. Malachi 3:8-12

Lord, I delight in you. Even when the world is all out of balance and everything seems dark and dreary. You continue to be light, hope and our bright morning star!


"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak,...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." Isaiah 40:29,31a

...and we shall praise you all the days of our lives, because You are the Great I AM!

Joanie said...

Yes, it's late Sharon. It's now 12:28 am and I should have been to bed long ago ~ however, I function on the Lord's time and according to that which He asks me to accomplish each day knowing that He will provide refreshment, strength and the ability to complete the tasks He has for me when the new day arrives. I am off to bed now ~ filled with His presence and feeling a peace that He is in control ~ no matter what tomorrow holds. Have a wonderful evening ~ Joanie

HisPrincess said...

Wow Joanie.
Thank you so much for that wonderful, powerful prayer.
I pray that you are enjoying a refreshing rest.

HisPrincess said...

I've just re read your prayer, it was a bit clearer second time round as there were fewer tears involved!

Let it Rain is a song I have sang many times on the way to work in the past few years! It's on one of my favourite Michael W Smith CD's.

Thankyou again Joanie for your kind thoughts and words.

Leah Adams said...


I will be praying for the Lord to literally pour down blessing on you and your family.

I am beginning to sense a couple of things that the Lord is saying for me to give up. Thanks for your prayers. I want perfect clarity on this issue because I want to be sure I am in His will. My giving up things affects lots of other people and I want to be sure I do it HIS way!!

I'll blog more about it later as the Lord gives me clarity. Thank you so much for asking!!


Joanie said...

It's wonderful to know that the world is such a 'small' place. That particular Michael W. Smith CD is blessed with such anointing!

On a side note: Our oldest son, Benjamin and Kirstin, were blessed with the opportunity to play in an orchestra for 2 of his Christmas concerts last year. There is the possibility that they may play for 5 Christmas conerts for him at the end of this year. What a privilege for them...

"my kind words and thoughts" were really allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through me and sharing exactly what my heart felt. He is good and I pray the Lord guides, blesses and provides every need.

I've had not quite 8 hours of sleep, but I'm energized and excited for the day ahead!

HisPrincess said...

Michael W Smith came to Adelaide a couple of years ago but I couldn't get over there to see him. He has been a favourite of mine for many years. I have sung his song "Friends" at friend's weddings and farewells. All though my life when I was flitting in and out of the Lord's presence two things stayed with me. Michael W Smith and Amy Grant. They are what my daughter lovingly refers to as "Mum's 80's rubbish". The youth of today have no taste!

What an amazing privilege to actually play at one of his concerts! I'd just like to sit in the audience one day!

Hope you are having a great day.

Jenny said...

We are suppose to get rain tomorrow, so I'm praying you all get rain too! Your site is one of my favorites and I LOVE that you are so far away and I feel like we are becoming friends... How fun is the internet!