Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Friends

I thought today I would share about my friends. I have some amazingly talented friends, at times they make me feel quite inadequate, and I wonder if I actually deserve to be amongst this group of amazing people.

Amoung my friends I count four teachers. I always wanted to be a teacher and it's taken me quite some time to be over the envy of them and their jobs. Instead of being jealous of them, I've now come to admire them all. They are all different, teach different things and approach teaching completely differently. They have all at some stage taught one of my children, and we are still friends!

One of my dearest and longest held friends is a physio. I competed against her for the top marks at school (she won), I competed against her on the netball court (she won again), she plays the piano magnificently, she sews beautifully, she is an avid scrapbooker, she sings. If I didn't love her so much I would have to hate her. She is a beautiful person inside and out, wise, empathetic, smart, tolerant and patient. But then you have to be all those things to put up with me for as long as she has! She is also Pink's Godmother.

Another of my friends isn't a teacher, but she has the gift. She has worked with disabled children, and she is also empathetic, kind, wise and generous with her time. Her childrens stories at church are natural, interesting and she has no trouble holding the interest of the squirming little bodies before her. Because she is the real deal, she loves them and she loves to tell them how much the Lord loves them. Kids know when someone is for real, and thats why they love her. She is also inciteful, witty, smart and kind. I haven't known this friend as long as the others, but already I count her as one of my nearest and dearest.

One friend lives over 2000 kilometres from me but we still maintain a very close relationship. She has been through so much, and still struggles in her daily life. She is intelligent and honest and I enjoy lively conversation and debates with her. She is someone who I know will always be in my corner, one of the few that knows everything there is to know about me, and still loves me.

Of course there are my new blogging friends. I've met such an array of wonderful, like minded Christian women. I love reading about Jenny's life and her girls, she is so witty and always makes me smile. Joanie is an inspiration to everyone. Her heart for the Lord is transparent and her attitude in the face of trial is an example to all. When I grow up Joanie, I want to be just like you! Leah is another wonderful encouraging blogging friend. I love her blog, and never come away from reading it without having food for thought. Everyone needs that kind of food. Lelia has an amazing testimony, and her honesty is so refreshing. She has helped me come to terms with some difficult parts of my past, thankyou for that Lelia. Lauren is new to my blogging family and she is amazing. She works with orphans in Mozambique and has a true heart for carrying out the Lord's work. Her blog is delightful, entertaining and heartbreaking all at once, and she is a cat person like me! And of course Lightening. I've already chatted about her above as she is not only a blogging friend but a face to face friend.

And then there is my best friend. I've been married to him for 18 years. He is my protector, the one I know who loves me completely, with all my faults. He is a wonderful father, husband and friend. And he's pretty cute too!

Lord thank you for all the wonderful people in my life. They all help me with different aspects of my life, and I thank you for bringing every one of them to me. I pray for all my friends tonight, those who are hurting I pray they will find peace and healing, those who are sad I pray for comfort. They all know you as their saviour and creator and I pray that they can look to you whenever they need comfort and guidance.

2 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

ooohh isnt it wonderful to think about our friends and how much they mean and how they influence us! It must be one of those weeks as I too have been focussing on my friends and how they are so unique but having such a great blend of "bosom " buddies helps us keep balanced! When they are down we can lift them up and when we are down they too are there to bring a smile to our faces! Praise the Lord for these special people in our lives!
Lynette from Adelaide

HisPrincess said...

Yes Lynette, I am very lucky.

Just have to remind myself of that every now and then!