Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sharon learns a lesson :)

Hi all. You may have seen my post from last week where I had a little rant about grace and forgiveness after attending bible study.

Weeeellllll. I have just arrived home from our second study on the topic of grace. And, would you believe, that I've discovered this is all a bit of a lesson for me, yes I know it's amazing isn't it. You go to bible study to learn stuff. Who would have thought?

Anyway, as I sat listening to the same person dispute something that Philip Yancey said I remained open to what he was saying and really listened. I then discovered that he wasn't disputing at all, just trying to clarify and understand for himself. To "unlearn" as he put it. Well, that knocked me right off my little soap box. Reality check. Wasn't my little rant of last week a tad judgemental? Maybe. Was I extending the same love and grace toward him that I demand he extend to the wider community? I think not. Did I really listen to him, and try to understand his point of view. Not at all.

So, grace is the point here isn't it. I need to stop blaming others for what has gone wrong in my life. Stop demanding a fair go (even though it's positively unAustralian to not demand a "fair go") and extend love, forgiveness and grace to everyone. Because all the while I was getting hot under the collar, spitting the dummy and getting all self righteous what I was really doing was withholding grace. Loving conditionally.

That is what is so amazing about grace isn't it. It's unconditional. All we have to do is ask. That's it. No catch, it's that simple.

Lord, help me to be more gracious in my life. I know I'm not capable of showing grace and compassion on my own but I also know that you can do it through me. I pray that I can let this happen Lord, that I can feel your love flow through me and let it reach those who need it.

2 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Oh Sharon ~

My eyes are filled with tears of great joy to see you beginning to discover what the Lord has been doing in my life over the past two years. They've been really 'hard' years and it's turned my world upside down, sideways and around again to REALLY begin seeing life in a whole new way and understanding others with a new understanding. It's still not easy and I catch myself quite often, but I've gotten much better.

I've been that man in your Bible study. I've asked tough questions with a true heart's desire to want to learn and understand, but people in my classes always took things the wrong way... It was extremely painful! I even had one teacher of a discipleship class indicate that he didn't want me in the class anymore and wouldn't let his wife talk to me after church. It still hurts to this day, but I'm thankful God is using their lives for His purposes even now.

Our humanness is truly weak. We make quick, snap decisions or have had life experiences that cause us to think a certain way ~ which affects how we perceive others. Thankfully, God understands. My heart is overflowing with His joy knowing that He is doing an amazing work in your life. He has special plans for you, Sharon. Keep your eyes focused on Him, your ears attentive to what He's sharing and your heart open for His love and joy to fill you again and again.

Lord, I thank you for Sharon and her friendship. I appreciate her heart and willingness to be transparent for others. She desires for Your truth, love and joy to rule her life and to be a witness and blessing to others. Father, I pray you give her strength for each new day, a large measure of grace and an abundance of Your love that overflows from her life into others. I praise you, for I see more of You in her with each new day. Thank you that she is a special friend in my life. In Your precious and wonderful name, Joanie

HisPrincess said...

Thankyou Joanie.
There is a bit of history between our family and the man in church. He approached my husband not long after we were married to encourage him to come back to church, but the way he said it sounded more like "you are a bad son and a bad husband" I think he actually used the word dissapointment when referring to how my husbands parents felt. I know now that he meant well, that the way he sounded probably wasn't what he meant but it still hurt.
I have to admit when I arrived at bible study to see him there my heart sank. I couldn't imagine ever wanting to share anything with him, and I'm still wary. I'm still not sure how to take him, there is something about him that doesn't seem genuine. He is the father of some of our dearest friends and has been an authority figure in our lives for a long time. An authority figure that not many of us have a lot of respect for. At the moment I'm trying to keep my mind open and not be biased in my approach to him. That's about all I can manage for the moment.