Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm a bit cross.....

I'm trying not to be cross, but I'm not succeeding at this point.

Last night we had the first of a course of bible studies on grace. We discussed how the church is perceived as judgmental and hypocritical and how we can show more grace to the world.

There was one person there with a real "us and them" thing happening. He was saying that we can show grace to "the sinners" by being tolerant and correcting them. Excuse me? I held my tongue for a little while but then pointed out that "the sinners" are us. We are all sinners. The reason we need to go out into the world and share the message of grace is so that other people can be saved by grace. Not so they can stop sinning, no one can stop sinning. The point of grace is that God loves us in spite of our sins. Of course he didn't hear a word I said. Just sat there smiling inanely while I clenched my jaw and ground my teeth.

It's self righteous people like that that give the church its judgmental tag. Can't they see that? So many people have been hurt by the people in the church and they never come back! We need to correct ourselves not them! We need to show grace and love and forgiveness to everyone, not just the ones who "deserve" it. No one deserves it!

Ok, time for a deep breath. I apologise for my little rant. As you may have noticed this is something very close to my heart. My husband has been hurt by the very church that I attend, and I'm afraid that he will never come back.

Lord, I pray that you can use me to show your grace and love to everyone. I know I can't do this on my own, it's not in my nature but I do know that I can let you do it through me. I pray that I can lead by example and show what's good about the church, that people will see you working in me, and come to love you as I do.

18 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

That is a great point! Why does that happen? I think maybe as people stop some of the biggies, they forget that all sin is the same to God. Its just sin!

I'm sorry your husband has been hurt by the church. That can be hard, but I know God can heal that wound!

Have a great day sweet friend!

Pamela (His maidservant) said...

I too am sorry that your husband has been hurt by the church. The church sometimes becomed like the pharacess (did I spell that right?) described in Jesus day-all about laws, not about love and grace. The laws are good and yes we should follow them but no one has been given the authority to judge but God and thats where we fall short as a church sometimes.
How painful. I pray our churches can overcome this and be more like Gd has called us to be-serving in love, spreading God's message of salvation, grace and hope.
In His Graces~Pamela

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Jen,
I'm praying all the time for my husbands wounds to be healed and that he will come to trust the Lord again.

HisPrincess said...

Hi Pamela!

We must have been posting at exactly the same time!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and comment.


Lynda Meyers said...

Love makes all the difference.

Truth without love is what turns people off. People see "the church" as hypocritical because, let's face it - it is! If pride is the disease then humility is the antidote...

I've heard it said this way: Grace is getting what you don't deserve. Mercy is not getting what you DO deserve. Sometimes we talk about grace and mercy without any concept of what it truly means.

Amy said...


I'm so sorry that happened with your husband.
Just know that God promises to work all things for good in our lives. He will bless you and your husband, in spite of the mistakes so many of us(as Christians) make.

God Bless,

Lelia Chealey said...

Amen!! I have a family member like this. Not pretty.
I loved what you wrote on my blog about the Yes to God study we're doing by Lysa TerKeurst..."I still tend to have him in little boxes, I take him out here and there but I'm certainly not radiating his love for all to see."
Boy, isn't that the truth!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on saying YES.
Oh, and in case you didn't realize, it was my daughter who had the baby, not me. I'm just holding, wiping, burping & loving her so Mommy can rest. Oh Lord, I can't imagine having a baby at 37! uterus would probably be mad at me!

Mana Laura said...

Hi Sharon! I've dropped by after you left a comment on my blog. I'm sorry, I have to ask, have we met? We get lots of visitors from down under, but I don't see a photo of you so I'm not sure. If not, how'd you find my blog? I always love to learn. Thank you for reading it and taking time to comment - twice! You are very kind and encouraging! I've enjoyed these posts of yours that I've read and I love that you end each one with your prayer. I will pray that your husband will be released from the hurt he endured and God will turn his heart (back? to?) the gathering together of believers in the church. Bless you! laura

HisPrincess said...

Madison: You are so right, love does make all the difference. I will try to remember that in future dealings!

Amy: Thankyou for your encouragement, I love all the comments I receive and feel so blessed that people like you take the time to bless me. Thankyou.

Leila: Yes I did realise it was your daughter having a baby and not you! I was just pointing out that you are far from too old to help out!

Laura: No, we haven't met but I'm glad you have lots of Australian friends! Shows you have excellent taste! I came across your blog through Jenny's blog and found it so inspiring. Thanks for coming over to visit mine and say hello. Thanks also for your prayers and encouragement.

Kelley said...

I am sorry that your husband was hurt by the church. I will pray for your family! My bible study is just finishing a wonderful 30 week study on Romans and I have learned so much about what you said in this post. We have to be so careful in how we treat other believers, Romans 14 is especially convicting! Thank you for reinforcing God's message to me!

Katie said...

AMEN Sharon! You hit my biggest peeve squarely on the head. I am in the throes of the hurt like your hubby. I haven't turned completely away from the church but am having trouble going to one of the places that, on most days, is one of the places I need the most. Joanie also plays a big part in reminding me that God loves me and that I matter, in spite of the spirit breaking crap I have gotten in the past from soneone in my well meaning church community. I pray that God softens your hubby's heart and keeps tugging at mine to forgive and not let go of the community of my church.

Joanie said...

You are in my prayers... I could say ALOT about this subject, but I'll leave it in the Lord's hands!

Joyful said...

I am sorry that your husband has been hurt by the church. When the 'world' hurts us, it's not the same, but when someone from the 'church' inflicts pain it's so much harder. I have been hurt by friends in the church, fellow believers, and it is tough - we think it should be the one place where we can find love and acceptance, yet quite often the opposite is true. No-one is perfect - we are ALL sinners. Grace is such a key word in these situations - grace and forgiveness. Christians turn so many people away, just by letting others observe our behavior/relationship with one another. So sad. Praying to be more like Jesus in my attitude, actions and responses.

Thanks for sharing your heart.

Unknown said...

Been there done that. Not attending church presently, but still seeking Christ with our whole hearts. We've recently begun meeting with another family in similar circumstances on Sundays to read the Bible together.

Lynda Meyers said...

Thinking of you today and hoping you've had a lovely weekend.

Remember: Don't give up, don't give in, and don't ever quit!

Jenny said...

Tag your it! If you want to take part!

Have a great week!


HisPrincess said...

Thanks everyone for your wonderful posts. I pray that anyone who has been hurt by the church, or anyone at all can turn to the Lord and ask for His guidance and love. I pray that all the wounded hearts can come back to him to find peace and comfort.

Lelia Chealey said...

I just read your response above...too funny-you are so right sister! At 2am I'm way too old for this, BUT there's nothing like the sweet smell of a baby so I'm okay with it. :) I wish you could come see her, she is just so worth me showing off. :)