Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Peace is restored.

After all the drama of the weekend Peace has once again been restored in our household.

I noticed last night that something amazing has come from this. Pink now has a much closer relationship with her father, they sat and chatted about dating, room tidying (?), and the big stuff like what you want to do with your life last night.

Pink has always been annoyed by her Dad. She sees him as a bit of a killjoy. He's the one who comes along and messes up her plans, or tells her off too much (usually about that room), or just isn't very cool. It was lovely to see them just chatting last night. Nobody was lecturing or sulking, they were just having an adult conversation with both of them giving time to hear the other's views. I have to admit Iam a tiny bit jealous. This has come as a bit of a surprise. They have spent the past five years completely rubbing each other the wrong way, with me as the peacemaker in the middle. And while that was draining in itself, it was my role.

We also had a chat with the boyfriend. He's a lovely lad but hasn't had an ideal upbringing. The fact that he is so reasonable and responsible is a testimony to his strength character. His parents are divorced, and are still arguing over the settlement, sometimes expecting him to take sides. His Mum lives interstate and his Dad has taken off on a trip around Australia this year. While he stays at home, looks after himself and studies year 12. That means on the weekend he does what he pleases, and Pink seemed to think she could do the same. I feel like I've taken on an extra child at times. He is very mature, but still needs help with some things, still needs to be reminded to study, and definately needs a decent meal every now and then! In my opinion his parents have an awful lot to answer for, but I won't get started on that.

The point is that we have it all out in the open now, and they both know what is expected of them. Luckily they are both good kids.

Lord, I pray for Pink and her boyfriend. I pray that they can grow into adulthood and realise their dreams and learn to love you in the process. I pray that they can reach their full potential in life, and use their gifts and talents for your glory.

5 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Isn't God amazing? I'm so thankful that peace has been restored and things worked out quite well.

I have peace from the Lord, though we haven't worked out anything yet on this end. Still praying.

Life is a very interesting adventure!

Continuing to pray to the One who is able in every situation.

Rejoicing with you...

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie,

Your prayers are very much appreciated.

It may have been the first but I'm sure it won't be the last drama involving Princess Pink.

Joanie said...

I hear you loud and clear and echo it right back at you (as it's happening here too)!

Jenny said...

I'm so glad for you that it is better now! I know how you feel with the Dad thing, Meghan does the same thing at times. Then she comes back to me, then to him, I know it is great for her, but oh so painful for me at times!

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie and Jen.
I'm sure I will be looking for more support and encouragement going forward!