Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lead Me On

That's the title to one of my many favourite songs by Amy Grant. I've been listening to her since I was a teenager and she just gets better and better.

I feel I'm being led to do something at the moment. I'm really not sure what, or if it is connected to my worship leading. I feel a bit in limbo as I'm not sure what happens next. I'm thinking to myself that instead of blogging about it I should be reading my bible and praying about it. Pretty good advice, perhaps I should listen to myself!

We had a very powerful prayer time before I led worship on Sunday. One friend gave me a hug afterward and said "it's going to happen through you". I didn't really take that on board at the time, I was thinking ahead to the service and worrying about my mascara running. But now I would like to know what is going to happen through me? I would love to think that it's my husband returning to the Lord and to church, but I often get trapped into thinking about what I want, and not what the Lord wants from me. Another friend (how blessed am I to have more than one amazing friend such as this?) gave me a card yesterday, which encouraged me to stop and listen to the Lord. I really do have the feeling that something is afoot. It's exciting, unnerving and a little frustrating. And my overwhelming thought is that why would anything happen through me? I am so undeserving, unqualified, nowhere near good enough to do the Lord's work, and yet so honoured and in awe.

I would appreciate your prayers as I wait on the Lord and find out what he has in store for me.

Just for your interest here is a photo of me in action, it was taken a couple of weeks ago and I wasn't really using the microphone because my voice was very unreliable at the time and I didn't want that amplified! This is at the front of our church, the band is in the corner behind me on my left. I knelt on those steps 18 years ago to take my first communion as a married woman during my wedding service.

3 valued opinions!:

Lelia Chealey said...

Sounds like someone is saying YES to GOD! :) Keep going Sharon, for you know how worth it following the Lord is. Without hesitation...just follow. And don't worry that you don't have a map~you're Creator does! Right in His hands.

HisPrincess said...

Yes...but I really LIKE maps! I like things to be neatly ordered and labeled in boxes!

Joanie said...

Thank you for sharing. I am so excited for what is ahead for you and your family, as God continues to draw you all closer to Him.

I, too, prefer having a map with detailed instructions included! Walking by faith is always a tough path to follow...

Thank you for sharing the picture of you at church leading worship. What a joy to my heart!

He is good. Everything will be made beautiful in His time...

Continuing to pray ~ Joanie