Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Incoherrant ramblings

Hi all,

I haven't been able to sit at a computer long enough to download photo's of netball and football, but I will get to it eventually.

Today we went to Port Lincoln for Robbie's first orthodontic check up since he had his braces fitted. The orthodontist was happy with the results so far, and due to Robbie's rapid growth at the moment there has already been quite a bit of movement.

I took Pink down to meet up with a Naturopath who she has been in contact with about work experience. Next term she gets to spend a week working in an area that interests her, and she has chosen Naturopathy. The lady was lovely and extremely helpful. She put Pink at ease right away and gave her some great advice on career paths and study. She went on to say that if we are ever in Port Lincoln (and we are there pretty regularly) then Pink would be most welcome to spend the day with her anytime. Pink was really excited about the prospect so I think I may try and arrange a day for her in the school holidays.

I got some bargains for myself, and we had a pleasant day out as a family, so all in all it was a successful trip. I managed to pick up a couple of bargains, and stick to the grocery budget so I'm pretty pleased with myself.

I'm suffering from laryngitis (no idea how to spell that) at present which is quite annoying. April is my month to worship lead and I will be pretty disappointed if I can't sing. I can still do the leading part and ask someone else to sing for me I guess. Hopefully it won't come to that, but I will need significantly less croak in my voice before I am able to sing!

Anyway. This was just a touch base, hello post. Hopefully when I'm not so tired I will manage to come up with something more enlightening and interesting!

6 valued opinions!:

Jenny said...

These are the fun post, just a glimpse into your daily life!

Have a great day,

Lynda Meyers said...

I love that you're so involved with your kids - it sounds like you have a fantastic relationship with them - and with God.

Don't worry though - He is shouldering the burden of their spiritual journeys with you. Stay strong and be encouraged. Don't give up, don't give in, and don't quit!!

Madison Richards

Joanie said...

Good morning Sharon!

What a delight to 'peek' inside your day! So glad to hear things went well at the orthodontist and the naturopath (most are such lovely people and I'm thankful God is connecting Pink to one who is open and inviting).

Way to go on finding bargains and keeping to the grocery budget!

Lord Jesus, you are the healer of every sickness and disease and I ask now, in your precious and mighty name, that you heal Sharon's laryngitis that she may lead and sing worship for your glory and pleasure. We thank you that your will would be done and Sharon will trust you no matter what circumstances or situations she is in ~ and that she will be filled with your joy and peace and constantly give thanks to you, because of who you are! Rejoicing and praising you alone ~ Amen.

And, Lord - please let it rain and refresh and revive the land that the seed may grow properly. You are the One who was able to feed the 5000 with some fish and bread. We know you are able to provide rain to these farmers. I pray they will come to you, Lord and seek you and you will deliver them. Amen.

May you rest in His peace knowing He loves you and is aware of every little detail in your life today and all the days ahead...

HisPrincess said...

Hi Jenny, thanks for that! It's still a little amazing to me that anyone is interested in my daily life! Afterall, I don't find it all that ineresting at all!

Madison, thanks so much for your encouragement. It means a lot, and I really need a boost every now and then.

Joanie, as always your prayers brighten my day. Its wonderful to know that you care, I'm so glad the Lord brought you into my life.

Lynda Meyers said...

You're welcome!

I'll be back to visit another day!

Joanie said...

Rejoice, rejoice and again I say rejoice! Our Lord is so amazing and He knew we needed each other. I give thanks to Him for the wonderful gift that you are to my life... The feelings are mutual!