Thursday, May 7, 2009


I'm hoping you wise ladies out in blog land can help me out with a problem I have....

10 Years ago I almost destroyed my marriage with an inappropriate relationship with another man. I feel that if the Lord hadn't stepped in and stopped me before I did something REALLY stupid then things today would have been very different. And I'm so grateful that He did kick my butt when it was necessary and open my eyes to the damage I was doing.

The man in question still lives in this community, although I've had little to do with him other than a polite hello if I see him in the street.

Last night this person reached out to me. While I didn't run away screaming, that was my first instinct. In the past two years his wife has left him for another man, and his father has commited suicide. So, my question I be a friend to him? Or do I run away screaming?

I've asked myself what would Jesus do, and the answer is be a good friend. I'm just not sure I can do that. Don't get me wrong, I like this person, I have forgiven him and myself for the past but I'm just not sure I want to open up that can of worms. Ever. Again.

I'm thinking the first thing I need to do is talk to my husband.

9 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

NO, NO, there is no good reason to befriend this person. If he needs a friend, let it be another man. It is too much temptation and Satan is setting you up for a fall.

Tell Kym NOW that this person reached out to you and be COMPLETELY transparent with your husband. If he doesn't know about the previous relationship then don't tell him about that part, but utilize Kym as an accountability partner in this.

This smacks of major seductive deception from Satan. In her book "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things" Beth Moore says this, "Deception is an absolute in every stronghold, but the nature of seductive deception is that the lies are often well masked for a while." She also says that we, as Christians, must have see-through lives. There must be no deception and secrecy. Satan wants to play on your sympathy for the problems that have occurred in this man's life. He knows we women have tender hearts for such as that.

Ok, sorry for the epistle, but you asked for our opinions and this smells of Satanic seduction to me.

Praying for you,


Joanie said...

I agree completely with Leah. As I began to read your post, I nearly screamed, "NO!" out loud...

I would give you the same advice. Tell Kym. This man needs to find another man to reach out to and/or meet with the pastor of your church. NOT YOU!

You and I have tender, compassionate hearts for wanting to help others who are hurting, but satan definitely can use that to destroy our lives in the process. Be careful to protect yourself and your marriage and your family!

An "absolutely not" from Joanie. Trust the Lord. He had you post this for a reason...

And thank you, Leah, for the book title ~ we have a situation that fits it exactly in our family, so I'm thankful God is speaking to me through Sharon's situation.

Praying His wisdom and protection for you ~ Joanie

HisPrincess said...

Leah and Joanie. To be honest I knew the answer to my question before I asked it. My instinct to run is God given. I'm sure of it. Now I just have to implement it. Which isn't easy. This person is charming, witty, funny and intelligent. He is extremely good company, and a non Christian. Perfect weapon in Satan's armoury.

Thankyou both for your honesty. I knew I could count on you to tell it to me like it is.

Anonymous said...

Me three. There are others who can be a friend to him. There is NOTHING in this but danger.

Lightening said...

Looks like you already have your answer. :) {{{HUGS}}} It's not easy when you're a caring person to take a step back.

HisPrincess said...

And he's not an easy person to step back from...which is why I've kept my distance all these years.
Sigh. But I will do it.

Anonymous said...

You poor thing..... I know that in some sticky situations in the past I have deliberately focussed and made it clear how good my marriage and relationship is with my hubby.. this also reminds me once again of our commitment and also sends messages that I am not in the running for anything.... if this makes sense.. generally the issue goes away!


Leah Adams said...


The HOly Spirit will never let us fall into temptation without giving us clear pathway for escape. It is up to us to walk the clear pathway and I know that you will do just that. I'm praying for and with you.


HisPrincess said...

Thankyou everyone. I feel confident that I can just walk away. I have prayed about it and know it's the right choice.