Friday, July 24, 2009

Priorities and Commitments

Some comments on my previous post (thankyou ladies!) has made me think that maybe I should sit down and asses my priorities and commitments. I'm obviously spreading myself too thin and perhaps now is a good time to think about how I actually spend my time....

My job - it's full time, around 40 hours per week. Also uses a lot of my mental and physical energy and there's often not much left in the tank by the time I arrive home. I would dearly love to cut back on this, but that's not financially viable at the moment. Praying for some direction here, as I'd love a change, but if God wants me here, then I guess that's where I will be staying.

My family - they are also full time! The kids need to be driven to their sporting commitments, nagged to do their homework and clean their rooms, supervised on the computer (Scott mostly), and have their arguments refereed. I think poor Kym gets the least attention, because he can look after himself and I forget he needs me too. Of course there are the chores that everyone with a family has to do, washing (no Joanie, not ironing!), tidying, cooking etc.

My church - I worship lead around three months of the year. This involves planning songs, practising new ones, preparing the power point presentation, liasing with ministers/speakers and of course the important bit, actually worship leading on a Sunday. I'm also on our ministry team which meets monthly to oversee the general well being and pastoral care of the church, and I'm the secretary of the congregation which is a quarterly meeting. One term per year I teach Sunday school which to be honest I don't really enjoy so much anymore.

Our school - I am on the governing council committee for our school, which meets monthly. I am also on the school uniform committee which meets when required, the IT committee and since I'm the treasurer of governing council I have to be on the finance committee.

My sport - I play, coach and umpire netball most Saturday's from April to September which takes a great deal of physical and mental energy each week. I love the game, but not the politics that come with it, or the way my body feels after playing. I know this is something I should be able to let go but haven't been able to bring myself to do it yet. During summer I play tennis, and I'm the secretary of our tennis club. I'm also the captains wife so I generally write up the teams (because you can read my handwriting) and this has the added perk of having a say in who my doubles partner is! In Autumn and Spring I play squash with Scott (well, not actually with him, he's better than me so plays higher, but we go together). This happens on a Monday night after work.

Mary Kay with Steph - It feels like I have two jobs when this gets busy, but it has the benefit of being flexible, and we are able to do parties when we have time, or when we can make the time. Most Mary Kay parties are held on Friday nights or Sunday afternoons. I'm looking forward to summer as I will have more Saturday's free then.

Out of all that I'm thinking netball is the obvious thing to drop. Although I would still have to go on a Saturday to watch Steph and Scott play, and being there I would still help out with scoring, timing, umpiring etc.

Everything would be so much easier if I didn't have to work....but I do so I may as well stop sulking about it and toughen up.

I guess what I need to do now is pray about it. Try to work out what stays and what goes.

Lord, please help me to see what is important in my life and what isn't. Help me to prioritise my committments so that Iam able to best serve you and care for my family.

7 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

Sharon i feel exhausted just reading your page today and to add to all that, you are also a farmers wife and you travel heaps because you live out of town... !inevitable!

Recently my brother in law got me i must still have a brain somewhere... LOL

He asked.. do we ask God to bless the things we want to do or do we get involved in what God is already blessing?

It's got hubby and I thinking... where are our allegiances.... do we do things out of habit, the shoulds, the guilts, to get people approval so we dont look like bad people..

We really know right now that we need to put our energies into our sons.. who are now 14 and 11 and rapidly changing...our marriage and to building our home into a place of love, acceptance and security in a harsh world....

Just remember to be open to God.... it can also be much harder for you when your hubby is not a Christian and he also needs you even if he doesnt say so....

If you feel called to give up a few involvements dont feel bad or feel the need to justify yourself,God wants obedience and in the end its Him we answer to , not fellow man. I strongly believe that God will fill the positions with someone who perhaps is waiting to rise up and take charge.. it can give others an opportunity to grow and be stretched and that doesnt mean you cant be a mentor to them.
I know myself that at times i have stayed in "positions" because i believed that noone else could do the job as well as me... and before i knew it I was burntout and angry and didnt do it from the heart!! Praise God i finally stepped down and have learnt to let go even though its taken a long time!

May God speak to you in miraculous ways as you take time to listen to His small sweet voice as you work through these tough times... trust Him and He will respond.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm exhausted reading it too. There are quite a few things there you could cut back on. Praying you will make some adjustments to your busy-ness.

Anonymous said...

Hello Dear Girl! You know why you involve yourself in those extra things on top of family and work don't you??? Because you are capable and intelligent with an active attitude to life and a nature that likes to participate. When you feel like the wheels are going to fall off (and generally they don't, because of your above qualities!!!) you do exactly what you've done and talk about it and pray about it, and analyse a little on your best approach to alleviating your wheel-falling-off-feelings!!! God will bless you in whatever decision you may make, whether changes are made to your daily life or not; and HE will be there to give you peace when you're flustered and keep you breathing in and out. ;) Know that in another State of Oz there's a girl who can relate (not with fulltime work or your sporting interests!!!, but with feeling like I spread myself thin with 'causes' and people's needs as well as educating my boy...)... So, I appreciate where you are coming from, and hope that my above comment lifts you, if only from the point of view that you feel ok with the fact that yes, you do have these things 'on your plate', and you feel a sense of accomplishment rather that feeling slogged and down... Thinking of you and praying for you. Have a lovely weekend, and I hope you get some special time with your man!!! Naomi x

Leah Adams said...


Seek Him and He will show you what to step away from. Your relationship with Him must be at the top of the list. He will give you the direction you yearn for.


Joanie said...

Okay ~ this is the second time I've stopped by and read this post. First of all, I'm really proud of you for recording all you're doing. Now, when I read this my first reaction was to 'burst out laughing, because of how you scold me for doing too much' and I had to leave without commenting. I've slept on it and am making my return visit...

I do agree with Naomi ~ we are women who enjoy living life to its fullest and being involved in a multitude of ways (it's just our nature, dear friend). That said, it's exhausting too! We do need to be in prayer, seeking God and constantly reassessing.

My new revelation: even Jesus took a break from the 'busyness of his ministry' and I need to schedule some sabbath rest in the midst of my go, go, go attitude. I need to pamper myself once in a while - such us ~ manicure/pedicure, massage (which I'm going to start doing next week), reading a book or just journaling at a local park or the beach. I'm slowly learning how to take "little breaks" so I can be refilled and keep up with the my fast-paced way of living! And, I'm making myself start each day by reading the Word of God...

Oh yes, even God took a break. He created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and RESTED on the 7th! DO you think He's trying to teach us something?

I love you my friend and I'm continuing to lift you to Him in prayer!

Maddy said...

Newbie visiting from lightening.......what a great summary. Someone once told me that the ability to say 'no' is a skill that busy people need to acquire.
Best wishes

HisPrincess said...

Would you believe that our sermon this week was titled "Are you too busy for God?" I know I shouldn't be surprised that God knows me so well, but I am constantly gob smacked by the way He communicates with me!

Lynette: Thanks so much for you encouragement, we must get together for a coffee when I'm down in Adelaide one day!

Wendy: Cutting back will be a difficult decision but I will be praying on it.

Naomi: I always look forward to your comments. You always say just the right thing to encourage and lift me up. You are such a blessing, thankyou.

Leah: You got right to the point as usual! And you are right of course. I've decided to dedicate my commitments to prayer and see what happens.

Joanie: LOL!!! I've never thought I was as busy as you! Glad I made you smile! Like my Mum used to say..."it's do as I say, not do as I do!"

Maddy: Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. All encouragment gratefully accepted!