Monday, July 27, 2009

I shouldn't be surprised but....

Would you believe that our sermon at church this week was entitled "Are you too busy for God?"

Do you think the Lord is trying to tell me something? :)

There was a great analogy that I'd like to share....

A little boy was walking with his family on the beach, collecting shells as he went, when he saw a beautifuly big starfish floating out in the water.

His father encouraged him to go grab it, it wasn't too far out so go right ahead. He ran a little way into the water but came back out, looking frustrated.

His father said "go on, go ahead and grab it, it's right there" So he went back into the water again and went a little further but then turned around and ran back out, looking really frustrated this time.

His father encouraged him again "it's right there in front of you, you were nearly there, just reach out and grab it". So the little boy went in again, this time getting right up to the starfish. He looked at it but came back out of the water again.

His father said "what's the problem? you were right there, just reach out and grab hold of it" to which the little boy frustratedly replied "I can't, my hands are full of shells".

That really opened my eyes. I am not fully committing my life to God. I beat myself up about not being a good enough wife and mother, but I don't commit my family to the Lord. I try to do good things in the community and be a productive member of society, but I don't seek the Lord's counsel on what I should and shouldn't be involved in.

I can't do everything on my own.

That's a bit of a revelation for me.

So, my new aim is to give myself, my life, my family, my everything to the Lord. Not just little snippets, everything, and trust him to take my life where He want's it to go.

"Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord for thee" The first line of a song (that I chose!) that we sang on Sunday. The chorus sings "Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for thee." I chose to include that song in worship this week because it's a new one the congregation has been learning, and it sounds pretty. Well, that's why I thought I was choosing it. The Lord obviously had something to tell me...

Lord, help me to hand everything over to you, and to seek you in all things. Help me to hear your counsel, and be open to hearing your word. Help me to dedicate time during my day to spend with you. I committ my family to you now Lord. Help me to trust in you, and remember that you are the only one who cares for them more than I do.

5 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

wow... guess God gobsmacked you again... and we all need to be reminded again and again of our allegiances.... we can just get too busy!! THanks so much Sharon for being vulnerable and for sharing your heart with us fellow Christians... we all need to help one another in our various walks of life no matter which part of the world we live in..
Take care of yourself and take time.... time to pray and listen to God.... time to hear your heartbeating, your breathing... i find this really helps me live in the present.. not the future or my past... just to thank God for my breathing.. for my life...warts and all!!


Kelly said...

Doesn't God always provide the message we need. And there we are "shouldn't be surprised but...." we always are!

Leah Adams said...

Sounds like Holy Spirit has your heart right where He wants it. Until we turn loose of everything and lay it down at the feet of Jesus we are never going to find true and lasting peace!!


Joanie said...

Great story! I love it when God 'tailors' a message just for me (or you in this case)... Delighting in how much He loves you!

I'll be praying for you and with you. I understand exactly where you're at, as I've been going through the same lately...

So excited with ALL God is doing in your life! Pray, pray and pray some more. Seek Him and you will find Him! Ask and He will give you the answers you seek...

Love your song choices. Thank you for being transparent and encouraging us as we journey together in this great adventure of life!

Edie said...

Well I really have missed a lot over here! Yay! I love watching God at work! I could see Him beaming as I read this. :D