Thursday, June 25, 2009


I've been wondering lately just what the Lord has in store for my future.

I've been trying not to worry (and failing miserabely!) about the future path my children will take. Whether they will find a job they enjoy, a person to love them, a happy and productive future.

And then there is Kym and I. We have endured 4 consecutive bad years on the farm. Only three of them have been officially called a drought, but the other was what's called a price drought. We had the grain, but the prices were so low it wasn't profitable.

I have to admit, I have on occasion hoped for us to have to leave. I've often yearned for something new, a new adventure, a change of pace. But it doesn't seem to be my reality. I grew up in a nomadic family. I have lived in almost every state in Australia and I love the idea of new horizons to explore.

My husband is a very good farm and financial manager. Which means we are still quite stable, even after so many bad years. Obviously the Lord has a plan for me. It would appear that that plan involves me staying put.

Which is ok. Really.

I have travelled enough to appreciate that this is a wonderful place to live. It feels isolated at times and sometimes it's frustrating (when you can't get your washing machine fixed because it takes a week to get the parts from Sydney), but it's still a fabulous place to live. And so safe. Our kids have so much freedom.

I guess I just need to remind myself again to leave it all with the Lord. He will look after my kids. He will see to their future and to mine. Nothing is too big or too small or too hard for him.

2 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

And thank you, Sharon, for reminding me to trust His heart. I needed that today....and tomorrow and the next day...


Joanie said...

Thank you, Sharon, for I needed to hear this too. Just this afternoon, another friend shared a similar message ~ so I know God is trying to speak to my life and I will rest in the knowledge that He is in control!

We must all learn to "bloom where we are planted"! Good word, my friend. :)