Thursday, June 18, 2009


You wouldn't believe it.

After spending a weekend in Adelaide (and spending is the key word here) I came home to a mountain of washing.

We got home on Monday night and threw it all into the laundry to be dealt with whenever one of us had the time and energy.

Tuesday night I went to a Ministry Team meeting, so no washing happened.

Wednesday Kym decided to get it started as we had some sunshine.

And the washing machine has died.

Why now? Why does it have to happen when I can't open my laundry door because of all the dirty clothes stacked up? Why now when I can't afford another washing machine?


Kym is bringing it into town this morning, he has had a look and thinks its something to do with the electrical circuit. Hopefully whatever it is will be cheap, quick, and easy to fix.

In the meantime the kids have school photos today so last night I hand washed their uniform! They had other clean uniform but they wanted to wear the newer, less faded ones for school photo day. Which is fair I guess. We have dragged my old washing machine out from the back shed. It only spins, so after handwashing I put them through the spinner and through the dryer (which still works thankfully!).

You know what's really annoying. This washing machine isn't even that old. We worked out last night that it's 5 years old. I've been married almost 20 years and this is my second washing machine. The first one lasted 15 years. They sure don't build things like they used to!

7 valued opinions!:

Skoots1moM said...

i feel your pain..when my dryer went out it was on the day i had so much to do...and i don't have a clothes line...
sending prayers for a quick fix/recovery

Kelly said...

You got that right. Our last TV lasted only about 5 yrs too.

Lightening said...

Go on, admit it. You're just jealous of my flash new one and secretly wanted one too. LOL.

Seriously, I hope it isn't anything serious. It's mega frustrating not having a machine!

Joanie said...

SO TRUE! I hope it's a quick fix... Our washing machine just broke too ~ sounded like it was spinning, but the inside wasn't actually spinning. Got a warranty on it and when the repairman came out 4 or 5 days later ~ we had the transmission and gear (something or other) replaced. I never knew a washing machine had a transmission! Those days without a machine seemed endless... Oh, I do feel your pain!

You're a great Mum to hand wash their uniforms! :)

HisPrincess said...

The ever increasing mountain of washing is depressing! The clothes basket in the bathroom has over flowed...I literally had to climb a mountain of dirty clothes to get into the shower this morning!!

But the good news is that the machine is repairable, and it won't be too expensive. Which is a big relief. Should have it back on Monday. Kym is asking his Mum (very nicely!)to do some washing for us today!

HisPrincess said...

And yes Lightening. I am jealous. I want a washing machine that sings too!

Jenny said...

That is bad. We had the same thing happen with our lawn mower. As soon as we needed it, it died.

Then we fixed it and a week later it died again. Chad wanted to be done with it. But we had to nurse it back to running again. Or sorta running, the brakes are no more.

Of course, that means with my driving skills I am banded from the lawn mower!