Monday, February 23, 2009

Out of my depth

I'm feeling a bit apprehensive at the moment.

I have joined the ministry team for our church. I was extremely honoured to have been asked and while I'm looking forward to being a more active member of our congregation I'm more than a little bit stressed about it.

I'm no stranger to meetings, or taking minutes, or committees in general, that's not what is bothering me.

I feel that this committee is more important than anything I've ever been a part of before. And I have to say I'm feeling a bit out of my depth.

Every single member of this team is wonderful, wise, spiritual and I feel they are all my spiritual senior.

I don't want to get it wrong.

I hate getting it wrong.

Really really hate getting it wrong.

Our first meeting is tonight. I'm looking forward to it but I'm apprehensive. Like, what if they find me out? I'm really not a very good Christian. I'm not sure I deserve to be in on the decision making process for our congregation.

So there you have it, I've gotten my insecurities off my chest and I do feel a little better for it. So thanks!

7 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

I know just how you feel. A friend and I recently took over co-ordinating the Prayer Group at N's school. I was extremely anxious about it. I think the secret is to turn to focus on how we can serve. You are empowered by the HS! 2 Timothy 1:7

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Wendy.

I felt a similar way when I first began worship leading. You make an excellent point in saying to take the focus off myself.

I will endeavour to turn my thoughts to how I can serve!

Leah Adams said...

If God only asked us to do things that were comfortable for us, how would our faith ever grow? He asks us to step out of our comfort zones, out the places of our ease and walk with Him into the wild unknown. If He called you to this place of service, He will equip you and you will make Him smile!!

Remember to seek Him, rather than seeking your area of ministry and He will empower you!! Can't wait to see what He does in and thru you!


HisPrincess said...

I think what is really worrying me is that I'm biting off more than I can chew.

I have a habit of over committing myself and I worry about the impact that has on those around me.

I'm feeling really torn at the moment. A dear friend has been praying for protection over me as she feels I'm under attack, and I'm thinking she is probably right.

I guess that means one thing...Satan is scared.

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well. Such wise words from previous commentors... I have so felt like you in similar situations years ago, but, yeah, all focus on the Lord, and the experience, and the outcomes, are different. Big hugs. N x

HisPrincess said...

My first meeting went really well, thanks for you thoughts and prayers.

Edie said...

When God usherd me into teaching childrens Sunday School I was terrified. I was very insecure and even children intimidated me. But I taught for about 5 years and God used those years, the kids, and the other teachers to help me overcome the unfounded insecurities.

Lean on Him.