Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I want my baby back!

My baby boy turned thirteen this year.

His voice is breaking, he is growing at an alarming rate, but up until a few weeks ago he was still a lovable, amicable, easy going boy.

Then along came a thief called puberty and stole him. Overnight he turned into a back answering, obstinate, rude, smelly and obnoxious little beast. And to make things worse, he's bigger than me. And did I mention smelly?

I still see glimpses of the sweet boy I fondly remember. Those glimpses are what is keeping him alive.

Sigh. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with this new Scott. At the moment I'm just losing my temper with monotonous regularity....which achieves nothing of course.

I think I'll just hide at my computer and pray that this phase will soon be over....someone reassure me...please?

7 valued opinions!:

sailorcross said...

Prayer it through!! Before you know it, those years have flown by and you have an adult, very nice son (still smelly sometimes, though!).

Mine is soon to be 28, and I couldn't ask for a better son--and yes, he was obnoxious, rude, backtalking and did I mention they still remain smelly sometimes!!

But the good thing is they are more apt to take a shower without prompting!


Anonymous said...

I can well imagine that this would be hard to go through, and I know you are writing about something that's impacting you, but I just have to tell you, the way you wrote it, some particular lines, had me laughing. If you think the 'aroma' of one teenager is bad, go and teach a high school class... It's BAD!!! Seriously. All in together and it is D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G! I will never go back... Give me sweet smelling Johnson & Johnson littlies anyday... Sorry there's not much in the way of reassurance, having not been there myself, but all phases do come to an end, that you can depend on, so just go with the wisdom of Sailor, and just stuff his stocking with 'showers in a can'!!!

Leah Adams said...

Bless your sweet heart!! I suppose all mothers go through this. Never having been a mother, I can't testify personally but all my friends say the same thing.

And it came to pass!! This too shall pass and I bet your Scott will be a wonderful young mang and you will have only a few additional gray hairs because of these teen years!!



Anonymous said...

Sharon, maybe we can walk through this together as I also have a 13 y.o. son who seems to change from wanting me to wishing I were out of his life completely! Friends have clarified that this is not in my head but reality.

I guess it comes down loving with the same unconditional love that God gives us... sometimes we are walking so close with Him that He's like our mate and other times we wander and try to live life independently. But we always know that He welcomes us not matter what we have done.
I just figure that we have to love them lots because there is so much against them and so many pressures that I did not face.
Guess you are finding that boys are diff to girls too... this one is my eldest son of two!

Lynette from Adelaide

HisPrincess said...

Beth, I will pray it through!

Naomi: you are allowed to laugh! We have to keep our sense of humour about these things!

Leah: it's scary when you get to this part of parenting. Its where you wonder if you've done enough to guide them into decent human beings.

Lynette: I'd love to get together and compare notes! Maybe we can come up with some strategies! And yes I'm finding boys MUCH different to girls! Steph is no picnic...but at least she smells nice!

Anonymous said...

Sharon ,you know what? my 13 y.o. smells better than my 10 y.o. most times. I recall Josh going through a similar stage when he was 10 and the BO began.. but Josh seems fine right now! However he does seem besotted with the mirror which he visits many times before he leaves the house..... Many other lads in his class dont even care about hair, clothes, looks, zits, etc...but some are far worse than Josh was so nice when they were just boys, just kids, having fun with their own company and not wanting others constantly near them.... but you know, its good that they change - as long as we change with them !
Lynette - again!

Lelia Chealey said...

LOL...I can so relate sister! I think that's why our hearts connect so deeply because even being many miles apart we endure the same things.
Having a blast growing together in our studies...closer to God.