Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Intentions

I have good intentions when it comes to my prayer life, and living in the word of the Lord.

But I seem to be experiencing a great deal of difficulty putting my intentions into actions.

For one thing, I can't find my bible. Sure I have other bibles in the house, but I want mine.

My prayer journal is sitting on my dressing table gathering dust.... and would you believe.... cobwebs. I look at it every morning. You would think I could at least dust the poor thing, or even better pick it up and use it.

I think of these things at work, driving to and from work, and I think to myself "I must make a commitment" but then I get home and I don't give it another thought until the next morning when I see my poor forlorn, dust ridden, cobwebby prayer journal on the dresser.

I remember how it feels to feel you are sitting in the palm of the Lord's hand. To feel that you are close to God, to feel that He is speaking to you through His word. I want to be in that place again, I just don't seem to be able to make the move and pick up that prayer journal.

Lord, please help me to remember that I need you in my life. Remind me when I get all caught up in my responsibilites that it's all so much easier if I'm looking to You for direction.

5 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

Sharon you are not the only one building up a pile of dust on special items! It only lasts for a season generally. Admitting our faults is usually the first step to change.

Perhaps you could have a little book at work that you use to jot things in when they come to mind.

I know a mum who has sticky notes on her steering wheel - for prayer points, shopping list, kids appointments etc and she says it works a treat. You could even have it color coordinated.

Hey it can also pass the time to pray when driving .... and you dont even have to drive in traffic like i do so other drivers wont even notice you praying with your eyes open of course.

Hey Sharon, above all God knows your heart and will help you if you ask Him.


Anonymous said...

me again

did you know there is even a journal one can purchase called "The Guilt-Free Prayer Journal for Moms"

now we know we are not alone in this world Sharon.


Leah Adams said...


Don't beat yourself up. Start today just uttering tiny prayers to Him. As you go through your day, thank Him for your health in a short prayer (10 words or less). When you think of it, thank Him for your family, your car, your job, your bloggy friends. Prayer doesn't have to be a big production. It is simply having a conversation with God and as you know conversations can be very short. Sometimes just a simple, "Thank you, Jesus" speaks volumes.


My ADHD Me said...

I could have been the one that wrote this post. We are so alike on this!
I'm going to print this off to help me remember what's important.
Thanks for a great post.

On another note...for some reason your blog isn't coming up on my blog role. I see I am still down as a follower of yours. I'm going to stop following your blog and then re-join it to see if I can get it right.

Hope you have a great day!

HisPrincess said...

You know it's still there on my dresser.

Still dusty.

Tonight is the night. Promise.