Saturday, May 15, 2010

Leading Worship

I love it when it's my month to worship lead at church.

But so far this month has been a bit of a struggle.

Last week I lead a grieving congregation hours after we had heard of a tragedy that took a young man's life, that we all knew and loved. He was 22. That was pretty hard to do. But the service was already planned before I heard of Daniel's death so I didn't have to think about that. I just had to deliver, which I didn't do all that well, but I did the best I could.

This week I'm still pretty numb. It's Saturday afternoon and I haven't thought of a single song, verse or prayer for tomorrow's service. I wasn't so close to Daniel that I've been consumed with grief, but I know his parents well and I'm filled with a really heavy sense of sadness. It's hard to explain. I feel as though the joy has been sucked out of me.

And that makes leading worship pretty difficult. I am a joyous worship leader. I love singing for the joy of the Lord. *sigh*

So now I'm off to make myself find some songs. I have no plan like I normally do. I think I will just pray and ask the Lord to guide me, because without Him I don't think I'm up to it.

Lets hope that this week I can at least manage to speak in whole sentences.

4 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

A true sacrifice of praise is what you will offer in worship. I really believe that He esteems that hugely. When we praise even though we do not feel like it. I know you will honor Him and He will smile on you.


HisPrincess said...

The worship plan is all finished and I'm happy with it.

I just let the songs come to me this week, without trying to worry about fast/slow/opening/closing etc.

And surprise surprise, every single song is about hope and letting the peace of God fill us and heal us.

How cool is that?

Anonymous said...

Lovely to see your blog entries Sharon although under tough circumstances.. But hey GOd can work through us no matter what place we may be in... and I am certain that He is using you in ways you have no idea about.... but being open to HIs leading and direction is wonderful.. and pray you were blessed today as you led.. my hubby was leading this morning and it was so evident that God wants to bless us HIs temple, His church.. so go girl!!

Lelia Chealey said...

Oh how sad. That's neat though that you feel so deeply for his parents. That will come out in your worship, I'm sure. God is so good and so worthy to be praised. I'm always late and when we'd be late to church, I'd tell Gene, it's okay, we just missed worship. OH my goodness did the Lord get me on that one.
Love your heart.
Love you, friend.