Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lightbulb moment

A friend shared a quote with me today. It was a quote from Billy Graham which is "I've read the last page of the Bible so I know its all going to be ok". I love it! I thought I would share it via email with one of my coworkers, so I emailed it off and thought nothing more of it. Until I got a return email. He was so grateful. They were exactly the words he needed to hear. I did tell him that I couldn't take the credit, I was just the messenger afterall. But it did give me a warm fuzzy. It's not often that I am able to act on an "impulse" like that and have it confirmed that I have let the Lord work through me.

Lord, I pray that each day I can become more in tune with your teaching and hear you when you speak to me and through me.

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