Sunday, July 22, 2012

Skipping church

I skipped church this morning...I do that way too often. It's selfish, and the "easy road" and it makes me feel a little empty for the coming week.

I skip church for several reasons, today was just plain exhaustion, and longing for a day at home. Sometimes it's sport or family commitments, sometimes it's because we have gone away, sometimes it's to please Kym and spend time with him. He used to be quite jealous of the time I spend at church, he's not really anymore but I still sense a resentment at times. So at times I take the easy way out.

So now I'm feeling a bit empty, and a bit detached. Obviously the answer is to spend time with the Lord in prayer and in reading my bible. Which I will do. Right now :)

Dear Lord, please help me stay close to you. Please be with Scott, Stephanie, Kym and Alex now. Please help Steph settle in her new home, and find work. Please help Scott find faith and focus. Please be with Alex as he adjusts to life without Stephanie, and help him get his finances under control. Please be with Kym Lord. I see steps toward you and then he pulls away again. Please help him turn to you. In your precious name. Amen.

3 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

Echoing your prayers for your family!! Let it be so, Lord.

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Leah :)

Joanie said...

Praying God provides ALL that you need. I do understand your struggles and trying to balance it all.

He is able. Praying for you, dear friend and the family.