Tuesday, July 24, 2012


It's never easy when a relationship ends.

Steph has recently broken up with her boyfriends, which I was actually quite pleased about, and they seemed to handle it very well. Both of them. They were still talking, still friendly, still very civilised.


Today it all went a bit pear shaped. She found some things out about him that were probably best left in the past, confronted him, and got very angry. She was ok, but now is feeling betrayed and angry. I've said all the things that I'm supposed to say. It's in the past. Leave it there. Just confirms that she's made the right decision...you know...all the wise words.

Didn't make any difference of course. She's still very angry, but she's kind of accepting as well. Personally I think she's dodged a bullet, and a little pain now is better than a whole world of it later on.

So I'd appreciate prayers for her as she heals. And prayers for her as she looks for a job.

Lord, please be with Steph as she deals with whatever has come up from the past. Help her understand that there's nothing she can do to change it, and it needs to stay behind her. Please be with her when she attends her job interviews tomorrow, and help her find a place where she feels at home and safe.

2 valued opinions!:

Joanie said...

Praying and trusting The One who is able to heal all our wounds. Praying that Stephanie is drawn to Him...

HisPrincess said...

Thanks Joanie...that is a prayer I say daily!