A few years ago, just as I was drifting off to sleep I felt the Lord tell me He loves me. I didn't hear him say it, I felt it, at the core of my being. It's hard to explain. But it was a wonderful warm feeling of peace and wellbeing.
I remember feeling completely amazed and honoured that the Lord would choose to communicate with me in this way, at a time when I really needed the encouragement.
I've spent the past few days reading a fantastic book, called "The Shack". You may have heard of it. This book is doing wonders for me. It's turning upside down by misconceptions about the church, religion, and most importantly what it means to love.
Last night as I went to sleep, with the Lord at the forefront of my mind (where He should be all the time) I felt it again.
He loves me.
The feeling of warmth and peace reverberrated throughout my entire body. I felt it physically. It was wonderful. Amazing. Uplifting and encouraging. And just what I needed.
My challenge now is to remember it. Remember that no matter how bad my day is getting (and it seems to be going from bad to worse), no matter what curve balls life is throwing at me that I will be ok. Because God loves me.
Thankyou Lord for showing me how much you Love me. Thank you for loving me. I'm so sorry that I constantly disappoint you, that I forget to have faith in you and that I let worry and lifes pressures consume my attention when I should be focusing on you and only you. Help me to turn back to you every time that I turn away.
Monday, August 31, 2009
He Loves Me.
Posted by HisPrincess at 1:48 PM 7 valued opinions!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Teenagers are awful...
Sometimes being a teenager comes down to survival of the fittest. Attack is the best form of defence, kill or be killed....
In my previous post I told you about how Steph has been having trouble at school with one of the boys turning nasty on her.
She conducted herself pretty well throughout this, not replying to his text messages, deleting him off facebook and bascically turning the other cheek. She spoke to both her school counsellor, and the principal and they have been supportive and helped her feel that people cared about her and that they were there to help.
The same can't be said for some of her friends. She has some great friends. They are loyal and protective.
And their loyalty has meant that they have turned the tables on the lad in question.
They are making his life a misery.
Stephanie is flattered that her friends care enough to want to protect her. The message I've been trying to get across is that they are now treating him in the same way he treated her. And that's not right.
I'm not excusing his behaviour in any way. Not at all.
But he is a human being. He is someone's son. At the moment he is going home from school miserable and hurting, and I know how that feels as a parent.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
I'm really struggling to convey this to Stephanie. She is still full of anger (and the boy isn't helping himself by continuing to say mean things about her) and in no mood to forgive. She thinks he's getting what he deserves. Forgiveness has always been an issue for her. She has always held a grudge. She will bring up past hurts years later.
So how do you get a kid who has been hurt to forgive? How do you soften their heart to prevent it from becoming bitter and hard?
Lord, I pray that Stephanie can find it in her heart to forgive. She can be so compassionate and caring and I pray that she can see that the hurt being inflicted on this boy is equal to what was inflicted on her, and it's not her or her friends job to judge or hand out punishment. Please be with this young man as he struggles to endure the consequences of his actions. Please help him to forgive also and help them both to move on and get along. I pray for his parents as they deal with a difficult teen, I pray that they can find the right words to encourage him.
Posted by HisPrincess at 10:00 AM 7 valued opinions!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Just when you thought it was safe....
Aside from the little run in with that truck, life with the teenage princess has been running pretty smoothly of late.
She is looking at her study options and career options, and thinking carefully about her subject choices for next year. She is working well at school (I won't say working hard because I'm sure she could do more!) and seems to be learning to get along with teachers, even the ones she doesn't like.
She has a lovely boyfriend, who is respectful, caring and responsible. Just the right type of boy to take home and introduce to your parents. Only we already knew him, and his parents, and his grandparents...the joys of a small country town!
We got word this week that the dress design she entered into a Teenage Fashion Award has made it to the state final, and she will be modelling her design next month in Adelaide.
Suffice to say we've been cruising along merrily, almost ready to sigh with relief that the dreaded years of teenage angst have come to an end.
Of course you know where I'm headed.....yesterday the wheels fell off....again....
Last week a boy from her class told her he loved her (via text). I'm not sure exactly what she said but I get the general idea that she didn't exactly let him down gently.
So now he's turned nasty. I mean really nasty. I can't repeat the names he has been calling her verbally or the venomous text messages he's been sending her. She has blocked his number. She is trying to ignore him at school which is difficult as he is in almost all of her classes.
I had to pick her up from school yesterday because she was so distressed.
I've tried to encourage her to deal with the problem, firstly by speaking to him and if that doesn't work to go to the school counsellor. She did this today and that seems to have made things worse.
I feel like we are back to square one. She doesn't want to go to school. She is coming home crying and upset.
But, unlike this time last year when she fell into a big heap, I'm pretty calm. While its not great to see your child suffer, this time I think she is handling it a little better. She doesn't want me to step in and take care of it, while she says she wants to run away, deep down I think she knows that she will be ok.
And I know she will. Because I am praying for her, and the Lord is watching over her. It's incredibly comforting to know that the Lord will always be there for her. He loves her even more than I do.
Lord, please watch over Stephanie as she deals with the issues she faces at school. I pray that she can learn from this experience and grow stronger as a result. I pray for the boy in question, I pray that he can understand that hurting Stephanie like this isn't going to make him feel any better, and inevitabley he is hurting himself more. I pray that Stephanie can deal with him calmly and tactfully, and that her friends will support her and care for her while she is at school. I pray that she will realise that she has you to support her, and that she can always rely on that.
Posted by HisPrincess at 4:54 PM 7 valued opinions!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Hit by a Truck
This morning I had that terrible phone call.
"Mum I think I need a new car"
My first thought was she couldn't start it, or it had broken down. Her next sentence made me feel physically ill.
"I've been hit by a truck"
Obviously she wasn't badly injured or she wouldn't be ringing me....but still...that is not a sentence you ever want to hear from your 16 year old daughter.
I arrived at the scene of the accident to find a very shaken, crying Stephanie and a very shaken (although not crying) truck driver trying to comfort her. And one sad and broken little car.
Stephanie wasn't well this morning but insisted on going to school. She survived the first two lessons before ringing me and asking if it was ok to go home. She was in her own car today (because we had an inkling that she wouldn't be well enough to make it through the whole day) so I told the school that it was ok for her to go home.
She stopped at the intersection. Looked right, looked left and then made the mistake of entering the intersection without looking right again.
Brian (the truck driver) praised her for not hesitating, for speeding up once she saw him, because if she had hesitated the result could have been much worse than a broken and bent little car.
Needless to say Stephanie is extremely shaken. And so is Sharon. When I think what could have happened...if the truck had hit her in the centre of the car and not just clipped that back end...it just doesn't bear thinking about. It wasn't a small truck, it was a fully loaded semi trailer.
Lord, thankyou for watching over Stephanie and keeping her safe today. I pray that you stay with her now as she recovers from her near miss and comfort her.
Posted by HisPrincess at 1:17 PM 7 valued opinions!
Friday, August 14, 2009
When Stephanie was little I loved taking her to toy shops. Well most of the time I loved it, the times when she had thrown herself on the floor drumming her heels in a fit of rage weren't so much fun, but thankfully she grew out of that.
When Stephanie was around 4 years old I really started to enjoy taking her shopping. Especially toy shopping. We would head down to Perth (we were living in WA then) and I loved taking her to Toys R Us. I would let her choose something, and she'd choose a barbie outfit. I would say "I'd like to get you something better than that" and we'd come out with the new Polly Pocket, complete with dress ups and pets and those cute little shoes. This became a bit of a pattern, she'd choose something, I would upgrade.
It didn't take long for Stephanie to work out that her mum loves toys, and her mum loves to give presents. Before long she would say "I don't know what to get, you choose", she had worked out that my choices were often better than hers.
We want the best for our kids. It's only natural. When you think about it, how much more does the Lord want for us? What are we missing out on by insisting we choose for ourselves?
"But not my will, but yours, will be done"
To be honest I'm a bit afraid of fully committing to that. I'm a little on the stubborn side, and I'm a little afraid of what the Lord's will is. What if he wants me to go where I don't want to go, or do what I don't want to do?
But I remember, and I keep reminding myself, and the Lord keeps reminding me, that it may not be my will, but it will always be what is best for me.
My challenge is to not be afraid to let the Lord choose for me.
Lord, please help me to remain focused on you. Help me to listen to your word and your commands and be aware of your presence in my life. Show me where you want me to go Lord, help me follow.
Posted by HisPrincess at 8:44 AM 4 valued opinions!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mouse Races
On Saturday night at our netball and football club we held our second annual mouse races.
The kids loved it!
I tried to get some photos but it was difficult as the flash reflected against the perspex but I've found this picture to give you an idea.
They built a big board with rows (a little wider than mouse height) and perspex at the front so we could see the mice running. The mice were put into one end, and a board was removed when it was time to race.
Before each race everyone had an opportunity to buy a mouse. If your mouse won you won a prize and the proceeds from buying the mice went to raise money for the football and netball clubs.
We formed a group and all put $5 in to buy our mice. We didn't get one single good mouse. None of our mice even started running. Well, one did but he ran across half way and then turned around and went back!
If a mouse got loose the kids were told that whoever catches it wins $10. There were a few escapees but they were all retrieved and returned. I think chasing the mice was the most enjoyable part for the kids.
It was a great family night out, and a great fundraiser for the club.
Posted by HisPrincess at 10:32 AM 4 valued opinions!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
The removal of my wisdom tooth went well yesterday. I didn't bleed much which was a blessing, and today I'm feeling ok.
The biggest issue was finding a vein to put the drip in. My veins have never been cooperative when it comes to finding them with a needle.
I actually felt sorry for the aneathetist, he was so apologetic. I assured him that it wasn't his fault, and this happens ALL the time but I don't think it made him feel any better.
In the end he put me under with gas first (which tastes dreadful) and then put the drip in once I was asleep.....which makes me wonder why don't they do it that way all the time? The gas doesn't taste so great but it certainly doesn't hurt, unlike being jabbed 4 times looking a vein!
Anyhoo...I woke up after having a very pleasant time swimming with dolphins somewhere off a pacific island, in a bikini, because I was thin, without a wisdom tooth.
I still have one wisdom tooth but this one seems to be behaving itself so far. The first two I had out in the chair when I was 20, and I have to say that even though I'm not keen on a general anaesthetic I much prefer having a tooth removed while swimming with dolphins than wide awake listening to drills!
I'm not allowed to drink hot drinks for a couple of days (which means luke warm tea!), and chewing is difficult, but other than that I'm fine.
Today I'm being forced to take it easy. I feel fine. Really I do. Kym wouldn't let me go to footy, he says I have to stay home and rest.....I'm doing the washing, because I'm SUCH a rebel!
Kym will come and pick me up and take me back to the club around 6pm, because tonight we are having mouse races! Stay tuned....I will take photos!
Thanks so much for your prayers and thoughts. Everything worked out really well. The nerve the dentist was worried about is still intact, tooth is removed and I'm only in a little discomfort.
Lord, thank you for watching over me and the surgeons hands yesterday. Thank you that I am healing quickly and thank you for all my wonderful friends who have been praying for me. Thank you for my lovely family who have been fussing over me, making me jelly and squishy food and warm cups of tea. I feel truly blessed and loved.
Posted by HisPrincess at 10:45 AM 4 valued opinions!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Dental Drama part 986
Last week my dentist finally finished the root canal treatment I've been enduring over the past couple of months. Ouch.
On Friday I'm going under general anaesthetic in hospital to have a wisdom tooth removed. I have to say that when the Oral surgeon said he'd prefer to put me under for the procedure I was quite relieved.
I've had this wisdom tooth for a long time without it causing me any trouble whatsoever, until late last year. I put up with it for a really long time before I went to the dentist, only to find that it was infected and beyond repair and needed to come out.
Lesson number 1 - if you have a tooth ache - GO TO THE DENTIST! It hurts for a reason!
This tooth runs really close to a nerve along the bottom of my jaw (can't remember the name of the nerve) and the dentist didn't want to touch it, so I was referred to an oral surgeon.
Lesson number 2 - DO NOT put off going to the dentist! What could have been a filling has now become a major drama because I took the ostrich approach!!!!
The oral surgeon said that because I'd let it get so bad before seeing the dentist there wasn't much left of the tooth above the gum line and it would have to be cut out.
Lesson number 3 - If you have a broken tooth DO NOT ignore it! It's much easier for an infection to get inside a broken tooth. Go to the dentist IMMEDIATELY!!!
So....On Friday morning, sometime between 8am and 1pm South Australian time I will be knocked out and have the tooth surgically removed. Any prayers during this time would be greatly appreciated!
I have another chipped tooth I noticed the other day....
Doesn't hurt though, I don't think I'll worry about going to the dentist just yet. ;)
Posted by HisPrincess at 3:13 PM 4 valued opinions!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Alpha Male
Scott has always wanted to be just like his Dad....
And then he started oozing testosterone.....
Now he wants to BEAT his Dad, at EVERYTHING!
Kym has always been an exceptional sportsperson. He has retired from football but is still playing at number 1 in our tennis and squash teams, and still playing a high standard of golf.
Scott has potential in the sporting arena, but I'm afraid he doesn't have quite the amount of natural talent that his father does (that's probably my fault! LOL! Bad genes!).
Scott's tennis is improving every year and he aspires to one day beat Kym. Which will happen eventually (as Kym gets older and Scott learns to stop smashing the ball and place it). The tennis competiveness runs in the family, Kym remembers well the first time he beat his father.
Scott is almost as tall as his Dad, and every now and then he likes to challenge Kym to something to do with strength, in the hope that one day he will win.
Last night the challenge was arm wrestling...
Kym likes to "play" with him a bit, giving him the false impression he has a chance!
But he never lets him win. He says that Scott will beat him soon enough, and then never let him forget it!
Lord, thankyou that Scott has such a great father to look up to and aspire to. Thank you that Kym is such a wonderful loving father and such a fantastic example to both Steph and Scott. I pray that they will always have the close relationship that they share now.
Posted by HisPrincess at 2:52 PM 2 valued opinions!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We have a beautiful bushwalking and picnicing area not far from home. We haven't visited it in quite a few years but after the recent rain in that area Kym and I thought we'd go see if there was any water in the creek......
Here is the view as we headed back down. You can usually climb up this "dry" creek bed without any problems. Today we had to deal with slippery wet rocks and wet feet!
It was a lovely way to spend our Saturday. We finished with a picnic in the picnic area and a slow drive home...Kym was checking out all the flowering shrubs seeing which ones were attracting bees. Of course.
Lord thank you for the lovely time spent with Kym today. Thank you for opening my eyes to the beauty all around me. I'm in awe of your creation.
Posted by HisPrincess at 3:14 PM 6 valued opinions!