Thursday, September 8, 2011

Learning Experience

Well! Yesterday was quite the learning experience for Steph.

She went to the tattoo studio for work experience. They forgot she was coming and were in the middle of renovating so got her to help with that. She was happy to do that, doesn't mind doing a bit of painting.

All was going well until lunch when the alcohol came out. She thought that odd to be drinking at work, and declined the offer to join them. Then things really went downhill. Out came marijuana, cocaine (which Steph had never even seen before), and some pills which she had no idea what they were. They offered to share and thought she was an extremely strange girl to decline. Afterall everyone does Not everybody.

Needless to say she was out of there as soon as she could. And she isn't going back.

So...that brought back the "why me" factor. Why does everything bad happen to me. Why doesn't anything good ever happen.

And she is back together with the boyfriend. Just fabulous.

On Saturday she has an appointment with a counsellor. I'm really hoping and praying that it will help.

Lord, please help Steph sort herself out. Help her to look to you for guidance. Help her to open up and learn to help herself.

6 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

Bless her heart! I know the 'poor me' thing. what I finally had to learn is that bad things happen to everyone, however, a good portion of the bad (not all, but some) is a direct consequence of the choices I make. HUGE lesson!! Make good choices, get good outcome. Again, not always, but most of the time.

Praying with you for Stephanie

Lightening said...

Oh dear! Sounds like she coped really well with it all though. Credit to her for handling it and not going near any of that stuff just to "fit in". I would have completely freaked out. Still, I think it's a door that's better off being "closed". Another one will open.

HisPrincess said...

She's actually coping a lot better than me at the moment. I'm just over it.

I just want her to find a job she enjoys, a place to live she likes, some nice friends to support her and to turn to the Lord. Not so much to ask???

Shall keep praying.

Joanie said...


So proud of her and how she handled the "out-of-control" situation.

Standing with you, Mum! He is able.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Have been thinking about this post for a few days and used some of it to illustrate something to our young tatoo intrigued sons... that things are not always as they seem on the inside.. we had a great chat about tats, drugs etc.. so thanks for sharing.. and your Steph must be one gutsy girl as not many would have walked out.... she is one in a million..