Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Technologically Challenged

Many who have teens in their home will relate to my dilemma.

Scott (who is 16) like most teenagers is addicted to technology. And I don't say that lightly. I think he really is addicted. Which makes dealing with the issue all that more difficult.

I watch his comments and monitor his friends on facebook so I know he's not unsafe but that doesn't make him any less addicted.

And now that facebook is so easily accessed on phones, ipods it's pretty hard to escape it.

He doesn't sleep well and I'm SURE it's because he is over stimulated.

But what to do? This thing has crept into our home insidiously. I monitored what he was doing, but not how much. And with a stubborn, indignant 16 year old it's going to be pretty hard to put some time limits on him. He doesn't see that it's for his own good, he will see it as a punishment.

So if anyone has some brilliant ideas on how to go about making a cantankerous 16 year old see what is good for him then let me know!

Lord, please help me find the right words and the right time to talk to Scott about his facebook addiction. He needs to let his mind rest and understand that he doesn't need constant stimulation, or to be constantly in touch with his friends. Help me put some measures in place for his benefit and help him see that it is for his benefit, and not a punishment. Amen.

5 valued opinions!:

Wendy said...

Can you block the internet on your network at a certain time at night? 9.30pm? That at least would set one boundary. Of course, that would not stop texts.

A rule some families have used is that all pcs, laptops, phones etc are "quarantined" overnight and cant be accessed after a certain time. 10pm?

At 16, it's a fine line between him taking resposnsibility and you setting some limits. It's not easy and one we struggle with!

HisPrincess said...

Wendy, we can't block the internet on our network...

I know what I need to do...my issue is that I don't want him to think we are punishing him. I want to reason with him (asking too much?) and make him understand that all things should be enjoyed in MODERATION!

Joanie said...

We've had the same struggle here, but with gaming and smartphones... I have been frustrated, mad, tried to be reasonable and nothing worked. I prayed and prayed and prayed - finally God worked it out and Nicholas works EARLY mornings, so he is in bed by 9:00 pm (and the computer, socially networking has taken a back seat). I understand, have no answers, but will pray! It is a VERY DIFFICULT issue with this generation. They don't seem to understand moderation...

I'm also very thankful we're reconnected. :)

HisPrincess said...

Yes Joanie, I guess that's my answer. PRAY. :)

HisPrincess said...

Yes Joanie, I guess that's my answer. PRAY. :)