Sunday, July 4, 2010

Home vs Church

Some Sundays are a struggle for me. I have so much to do on my one day off (Saturday is committed to sport) that I get overwhelmed. Winter is the hardest. Not so many hours in the day I guess.

I have skipped church the past two Sundays. And I'm having a bit of a guilt trip about that. It's really hard to juggle work, family, housework and worship.

I am the kind of person who needs to start the working week fresh. By fresh I mean clean house, laundry up to date, baking done for the family lunch boxes for the coming week. Everything just feels all wrong if I can't start the week this way, and if I let myself get too far behind I am prone to feeling depressed and completely out of sorts.

So sometimes I skip church to catch up. And skipping church sometimes leaves me feeling out of sorts too.

And I'm not sure what I can do about it, it's a real struggle for me sometimes.

On a positive note I'm happy to report that I'm spending more time with my bible now than I ever have before. It started by just reading a few pages in the 10 minutes I had each day waiting for Steph. I'm really enjoying it, and get a bit cross when Steph is early!

2 valued opinions!:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I spent a bit of time catching up on your posts last night, and then was interrupted before I could leave you a note. So, I'm back to say a big 'hello', to comment that "I hear ya!" regarding this latest post's content, and to mention that I've revealed a little 'news' on my blog, that has been terribly neglected for a good 6 months!!! My hope is to not be so neglectful from here on in, and I would love to hear from you again... Blessings. Naomi x

Joanie said...

My dear, dear friend... Such a tough spot to be in!

I am going to speak my heart though, as I've learned from experience. When we allow the world to dictate our path, life never seems to fully satisfy us (work, family, sport, etc) ~ but when we honor our amazing Lord first (worship, Bible reading, prayer) He will order our steps and enable us to accomplish all things according to His plans and purpose for our lives. He does bless us, as His children, but He has even more for those who put Him first in their lives. (Yes, I'm nudging you in that direction!)

Praying for you and being thankful for our wonderful friendship! Abundant blessings...