Wednesday, September 21, 2011


How things can change in the space of a week.

This year has been a major rollercoaster ride for me, and this week is a peak!

Stephanie arrived home on Monday afternoon, and I've slept so well and am feeling so rested now. Amazing how well you sleep when both your kids are safe and well and under the same roof as you!

Steph seems in a good place at the moment. She has been seeing a counsellor that she really likes and feels that it's helping her. She has come off her anti depressants (under supervision) and other than some side effects of feeling sick and dizzy is doing pretty well.

It's just such a joy to have her home. On Monday night Kym tucked her in and gave her a kiss goodnight...she loved it. Really means a lot to her when her Dad shows affection. They've always been close but I think being apart has strengthened that. They are spending today out in the boat fishing which is a passtime they both love. Yesterday we had a girls lunch and Steph had her hair done and tomorrow she is visiting friends so she is having a restful and relaxing week catching up with those she loves.

There will still be peaks and troughs with this girl. I know that. But for the moment I'm going to enjoy the peak while it lasts.

3 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

Continuing to pray for Steph and for you. So glad the week has been good.

Anonymous said...

awww dads... brought a tear to my eye to hear that your hubby kissed his little girl goodnight... awesome news and maybe you just all need to be together again.. enjoy the opportunity!

Leah Adams said...

Hello, my friend. I've searched my email address book for your email addy and cannot find it. So, this is my only other avenue to contact you. I have to tell you I met a delightful Australian girl who is in college near my home. She is from the Adelaide area. When I had lunch with her recently I thought that perhaps she might sound a bit like you with that wonderful Aussie accent. Just prompted me to say Hi and see how things are going.