Friday, August 14, 2009


When Stephanie was little I loved taking her to toy shops. Well most of the time I loved it, the times when she had thrown herself on the floor drumming her heels in a fit of rage weren't so much fun, but thankfully she grew out of that.

When Stephanie was around 4 years old I really started to enjoy taking her shopping. Especially toy shopping. We would head down to Perth (we were living in WA then) and I loved taking her to Toys R Us. I would let her choose something, and she'd choose a barbie outfit. I would say "I'd like to get you something better than that" and we'd come out with the new Polly Pocket, complete with dress ups and pets and those cute little shoes. This became a bit of a pattern, she'd choose something, I would upgrade.

It didn't take long for Stephanie to work out that her mum loves toys, and her mum loves to give presents. Before long she would say "I don't know what to get, you choose", she had worked out that my choices were often better than hers.

We want the best for our kids. It's only natural. When you think about it, how much more does the Lord want for us? What are we missing out on by insisting we choose for ourselves?

"But not my will, but yours, will be done"

To be honest I'm a bit afraid of fully committing to that. I'm a little on the stubborn side, and I'm a little afraid of what the Lord's will is. What if he wants me to go where I don't want to go, or do what I don't want to do?

But I remember, and I keep reminding myself, and the Lord keeps reminding me, that it may not be my will, but it will always be what is best for me.

My challenge is to not be afraid to let the Lord choose for me.

Lord, please help me to remain focused on you. Help me to listen to your word and your commands and be aware of your presence in my life. Show me where you want me to go Lord, help me follow.

4 valued opinions!:

Leah Adams said...

MMM, great post. His will is always better than ours. Always. It is sometimes hard to let go of our will and trust His heart!!


Joanie said...

Wow! Great post...

I'm right there with you. And, you know my story and my life is "Thy will Lord". But, oh how I struggle with following through what He is showing me and living it out day by day! If only I could live life not worrying about the outcome when I'm confident of what's He has said to me.

Good to see you back on here! :)

Edie said...

Oh you sweet thing you. What God has planned for you is exceedingly, abundantly more than you could ask or hope for. Trust Him.

The bible also says that He gives us the desires of our heart. That means He places a desire in our heart so that we want the very thing He wants to give us.

Why not start by asking Him to give you a whole-hearted desire to want His will over yours.

Much love to you!!

HisPrincess said...

Leah, I was known as a "willful" child, and I have to admit that not much has changed! I have always had a very will, and this has been both a good and a bad thing. Letting go and letting God has often been a struggle for me.

Joanie, thanks for your wonderful encouragement as always! Like you I lack confidence with followingt through, and I often doubt my instincts, wondering if this is God's will or just something I'm imagining.

Edie, that's great advice, thankyou. It's so obvious isn't it. Just ask. God will show you the way.